Tag Archives: Coronavirus

Phase 1: Day 7 – Out and About

Out and About: Fence and Shadow

I finished a long-time workflow project yesterday.  All of my “picks” in Lightroom have been processed!  That consists of just over 60,000 photos dating back to my first digital camera in 2004.  While 60,000 photos is a tiny collection compared to a lot of photographers, I have been very selective about what I keep.  I’ve probably taken twice that many photos over the years, but I have been systematically deleting the “non-picks” in order to keep the number down.

I know that digital storage is cheap, but just like I’m stingy with my closet space, I tend to be stingy with my “digital closet” as well.  As it is, I’ve just about filled my 2-terabyte hard drive.  Fortunately, later today the FedEx truck will be bringing me 4 new 4-terabyte drives.  That will get me thru a few more years of photos and give me breathing room for an impending camera upgrade.

All this activity is paving the way for a long-overdue update to my website.  I love the layout but the photos need refreshing.  As I work on that project I’ll probably post some highlights from the archives on this blog.  It’s been a fun project, and I have a few thoughts about working on old photos with new software.  Spoiler alert: one of the most interesting but frustrating changes is that the new software allows us to see sensor dust spots better, and the old digital cameras didn’t have dust removal functions built in!  Ugh! 🙂

Phase 1: Day 6 – Out and About

Out and About: Fire Hydrant

Mark commented on yesterday’s post about the forecast for a more active hurricane season this year.  I don’t remember seeing that, but they seem to say it every year.  And it does seem like storms in general are getting more severe than they used to be.

Does it also seem like the world in general – not just the weather – is getting more severe?  It was already headed that way with all of the confrontational politics, factional internet & news sources and anti-social activities in social media.  Then the virus thing came along and has sparked a round of paranoia, fear and uncertainty that I’ve not seen or felt before.  We don’t know who to trust or who to believe.  Heads turn in shock if someone sneezes.  People with masks stare accusingly at those without masks.  Business owners are opening in defiance of the law – sometimes backed by armed “militia” – under the guise of exercising their “constitutional rights.”  We’ve all become a little stir crazy, I think.

On the positive side, it’s been a great time for those who just want to be left alone!  Other than not making the occasional trip to the mall or the department store, life goes on.  We’re just not traveling our eating out like we’ve done, but we’re also seeing the positives of that.  Once we do start to move around the country and the world again, we may see some changes that are less than ideal, but the things we want to see – the scenery, parks and natural beauty – will still be there and unaffected by all the mayhem and hoopla.

Hopefully there won’t be too many hurricanes, otherwise I may have to visit Wyoming again. 😉

Phase 1: Day 5: Out and About

Out and About: Mailboxes

One of our OHMYGAWDTHEWORLDISENDING local “news” websites just published an article with the headline: “Subtropical Storm ‘Arthur’ Could Hit Carolinas Next Week If Bermuda Triangle Disturbance Grows.”  But of course a quick look at the National Hurricane Center website indicates that “A broad area of low pressure is expected to develop late this week or early this weekend a couple of hundred miles north of the Bahamas. Environmental conditions appear conducive for gradual development of this system, and a subtropical depression or storm is likely to form this weekend while it moves northeastward over the western Atlantic.”  So in other words – unless things change dramatically it isn’t coming anywhere near “the Carolinas.”  Besides, how are we going to buy bread, milk and toilet paper when there isn’t any?  Yikes! 🙂

Anything to get our minds off that pesky virus, right? 😉

Phase 1: Day 4 – Out and About

Lounge Chair at the (closed) pool

It’s hard to not write about myself when I’m not doing much and am trying not to get cranked up about all the junk in the media.  I figure there isn’t a lot of value in my sharing of links to interesting news articles, etc. because everyone already has their own established routine and sources.

One thing that I don’t talk about much is how much I love to read.  It is one of the many advantages of not having my head stuck in a television or video game.  I read mostly fiction but toss in a few non-fiction books that interest me, with a variety certain to throw off any algorithm trying to make meaningful recommendations.  Mostly the non-fiction stuff puts me to sleep. 🙂

For whatever it’s worth, I thought I would share a list of the books that I have read so far this year.  I’m kind of proud of the number of books I read, but my purpose is not to brag.  Perhaps someone is looking for a way to read more and doesn’t know where to start.  Thank goodness for the Kindle and a reasonably stocked library of e-books, since our libraries have been physically closed for nearly 2 months.

Blue Moon – Child

Back Spin – Coben

A Time to Kill – Grisham

The Hunt for Red October – Clancy

Bad Monkey – Hiaasen

One False Move – Coben

Razor Girl – Hiaasen

How Not To Diet – Greger

The Final Detail – Coben

A Very Stable Genius – Rucker

Crooked River – Preston & Child

Skinny Dip – Hiaasen

Patriot Games – Clancy

The Last Odyssey – Rollins

The Boy From The Woods – Coben

The Warsaw Protocol – Berry

The Demon-Haunted World – Sagan

You’ll note a lot of books by the same author.  That’s because I’m trying to go back to the beginning of a series and read the books in order.  If they are stand-alone books, I want to see the development of the author’s style over time.

Also, know that I read strictly for entertainment, not for content or analysis.  Ask me to discuss a book a week or two later and I probably can’t.  Sometimes I feel like I could read the same books over and over and remember something new each time.

Phase 1: Day 1 – Out and About

Out & About: Grass Shadows

Today starts Phase I of our governor’s plan to start reopening businesses in North Carolina.  I decided to continue the post-a-day project but am going to try something a little different.  I took my camera out on our walk this morning and took some shots.  Nothing fantastic but it is outside instead of inside.  Still around or close to home, but as we branch out more I’ll have some other subjects.  Black & white for now, but color where it warrants it.

Ordinary Household Objects: Day 44

Ordinary Household Objects: Rocking Chair

Falstaff: To die is to be a counterfeit, for he is but the counterfeit of a man who hath not the life of a man; but to counterfeit dying, when a man thereby liveth, is to be no counterfeit, but the true and perfect image of life indeed. The better part of valor is discretion, in the which better part I have sav’d my life.

Shakespeare: Henry IV, Part 1 Act 5, Scene 4

We got word this week that our favorite motel in the mountains is re-opening today.  We’re resisting the urge to rush over there – the restaurants aren’t open for dining in yet, Great Smoky Mountains National Park is open and I fear it will be overrun.  Blue Ridge Parkway, last I heard, is still closed.

It appears that there are many people volunteering to be guinea pigs, and I’m happy to let them.  It’s not a matter of fear for me, but rather a sense that I don’t have to be first in line for anything.  There’s a message in that bell curve, and I’ll stay comfortably ensconced on my side of the curve for a little while longer.  Kathy & I are informally using our next haircut as our benchmark.  Salons open in Phase II, which should be another 2-3 weeks.  That will give plenty of time to see how the impatient ones make out.  In the meantime, our weight keeps sliding down the scale, so the longer we avoid restaurants the better off we are.  We’re getting plenty of exercise and fresh air and getting lots of long-overlooked projects out of the way.  Making the best of looking at the bright side, so to speak.

This is the last photo I’ve taken for this project, but as much as I said the other day that I was tired of it, I think I might continue, just perhaps with a different theme.  I figure we aren’t going anywhere so I might as well make new photos.  Maybe I’ll work on photos from outside the house instead of inside.  At the very least I’ll try to continue posting some kind of daily photo, even if it is one from the archives.  I’m working diligently on trying to finish up with my unprocessed photos and hope to have that project wrapped up soon.  There are plenty of treasures in that pile to share, too!

Ordinary Household Objects: Day 43

Ordinary Household Objects: Nail Clippers

The following started as a comment on Earl’s blog, but I thought I would refine it a bit and share it here.  For Whatever Its Worth, as they say.

I’ve not been a regular viewer of (NY) Governor Cuomo’s briefings, but I have gained a good deal of respect for his candor and leadership.  His state is the epicenter of the virus in this country and New York is fortunate to have him in that position.  I only wish we could say the same of other places in the country.

I don’t remember the exact words, but someone recently described the leadership dilemma – in particular as it pertains to the Coronavirus but also about most other things – as something along the lines of “well-meaning people attempting to make the best choice between difficult options with limited information about something no one knows enough about.”  Close enough – you get the idea.

The question of “how much is a life worth” is a difficult one at best.  The best answer to that question depends on which Pandora’s Box you open first.  Or last.  Answering that one life is “priceless” is commendable, but if that is the case, shouldn’t we be doing everything possible to avoid other preventable deaths?  If so, we should outlaw all dangerous habits and behaviors.  Smoking kills but it is legal.  How about junk food?  Pick your poison.  Personal choice is in another box.  Everyone should be able to determine his or her level of risk and act accordingly, but there are limits to this freedom.  Does your choice to wear or not wear a mask take precedence over my right to not get your germs?  And then the economic costs are huge.  The government programs to help those who have lost their jobs are a drop in the bucket for those who are struggling to pay rent and buy food with no promise of when or if their jobs will return.  And that assumes that the money will go to the right people, which is questionable.

A certain number of people die from many things each year.  The Coronavirus is just one of them.  I’d love to see the amount of time, attention and money being thrown at this virus spent to eliminate all or most of them, but that will never happen.  The trillions of dollars being spent to prop up our economy – at unknown cost to our futures – could be spent on countless other things – ending our dependence on fossil fuels or improving our food supply to get rid of the crap that makes people sick are two examples.  A longer term approach would ultimately save even more lives than this virus will take.  Unfortunately, we are in a world that reacts to the short-term crisis and foists the long-term crisis off on someone else.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer to this dilemma.  We each have to make a choice as to which experts we are going to pin our hopes to, hope that we have the right leaders and hope that the decisions they make are the ones that work out the best.  It’s too late to make second guesses or point fingers about what has or hasn’t happened.  But hopefully we can look forward, get through this, and use the lessons we’ve learned to be better prepared for the next time.  I’d like to think that could happen but am just cynical enough to expect that it won’t.

Ordinary Household Objects: Day 42

Ordinary Household Objects: Watch

I’m amused this morning by the story of the 5-year old boy in Utah who had an argument with his mother because she refused to buy him a Lamborghini.  With $3 in his wallet he got in the family car and headed for California to buy his own.  He might have made it too, if it wasn’t for a suspicious Utah Highway Patrolman.  Way to take matters into your own hands!

Someone wondered how he learned to drive, and someone else speculated “X-Box!”