It’s that time again, the time when we turn the calendar to a new year. While in many ways it is an artificial time period – my friend Paul refers to January 1 and December 31 as “markers” – it’s as good a way as any to mark the passage of time, and if we wish, to reflect back and look ahead.

A lot of people seem to be expending an awful lot of energy worrying about 2017, but that’s mostly wasted on things that can’t be changed or controlled. Kathy & I take a more positive view and look at every new year as a new opportunity for adventure. We get a new allotment of vacation days (yay!) and replenish our vacation budget (yay!) and start looking for interesting ways to spend them both.

We started off the new year with a trip to the NC mountains. The threat of possible snow and ice eliminated our plans for a quiet midnight at one of our favorite spots on the Blue Ridge Parkway, but we still made the best of a damp and dreary weekend.

I hope everyone’s 2017 is off to a good start and look forward to sharing a new adventure this coming year!

Tom, nice group of B&W images. It’s rainy today at SC coast but sometimes those days are nice too. Have a great 2017!
Every day’s a good day, Brooks! As Paul says, especially when you are on vacation! 😉
Loved the foggy and trees images. And, a big yes on the black and white. Seeing more of those from you. 🙂 Whatever the adventures you and Kathy experience it is my hope you enjoy them. And, I expect you to have more fun times with the grand baby.
Thanks, Monte. I think I may be on to something with the black & white, or at least I’m getting happier with the results. I’ll be shooting my share of color this year too! And that grandbaby has been quite photo worthy as well. 🙂
A nice selection of images, Tom. I hope you have a Happy New Year and I’m looking forward to seeing more great images from you.
Thank you, Ken!
Yep! Yep! More vacation days and vacation money, unless you’re like Brooks … always on vacation! 🙂 (Those letters should be green … that’s envy talking) LOL
I’m looking forward to continuing my travels, meeting new people, and just enjoying life.
That’s what it’s all about, Paul! Continuing our travels, meeting new people, and just enjoying life. 😉
Many people have claimed they are happier by not watching the news. As you say, much is out of your control anyway. Nice shots here Tom.
I’m not sure if it is “happier” or “less unhappy,” but as you know we live in a world with a fire hose of information. It is important to stay informed and we all do in our own way. But with no good way to separate the useful from the useless it is sometimes better to not try at all.
I know what you mean. I feel anxiety by being uninformed. But then you get more anxiety the more you know. No wonder those drug companies make so much money!!
How does that saying go? Those who don’t watch the news are uninformed and those who do are misinformed? That must be why all the news shows are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies!