Tag Archives: Photography

We’ve All Got Our Baggage

Haulin’ It To The Beach

Kathy & I have tried to be very careful in our travels to not carry around too much – as we like to say it – ‘shit.’  To be polite I’ll call it ‘gear’ but the idea is the same.  Whatever our “thing,” there is a certain amount of gear that we all have to have with us.

If you are a photographer, your travel packing list has to include a certain amount of camera equipment.  If you are a cyclist, you need to have a bike or bikes, plus all the requisite tools, spare parts and clothes to suit your needs.  If you are a kayaker, the same applies.  Fishermen, metal detector-ers, sunbathers, surfers, the list goes on.  RV-ers and boaters – my heart goes out to you.  It ain’t for me, thanks.  Nothing like loading our Subie up with two bins for clothes and food, a cooler and a camera bag and heading off for parts known or unknown.

What triggered this conversation was watching endless people either carrying or pushing carts loaded with chairs, umbrellas, coolers, boogie boards, toys and other gear to the beach.  And it is even worse for those who come to the beach with kids!  It’s no wonder people have huge cars with car top carriers and luggage racks hanging off the back.  Too much gear!

Searching for that perfect spot

When we packed to come to the beach, we were feeling like we had over packed, but quickly realized that the majority of the extra stuff we brought with us wouldn’t be going home with us.  It was mostly water, food and adult beverages, to minimize trips to the grocery store.  When we go to the beach in the morning we take a small cooler with breakfast, water, iced coffee & tea and a beach bag with towels and reading materials.  And usually my camera.  That’s it!  We rent chairs from the life guard service, but it is our choice to pay a few dollars instead of carting chairs and umbrellas (not to mention buying them in the first place) from home and then to the beach and back every day.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.  It’s just our choice to pay for the convenience.

Years ago we started to have a bug about living on a sail boat, but eventually realized that it wasn’t the sail boat the appealed to us but the idea of a life without all the extra gear.  We’re not completely down to the bare bones level, but we do tend to travel that way.  And we like that!

Everything But The Potty

Phase 2: Day 20 – Life In Color

Morning walk in the neighborhood

We took our first foray into the restaurant world last evening to celebrate Kathy’s birthday.  It was a nice experience, not a lot different from what we’ve come to expect from our favorite restaurants, except the tables were farther apart, no one hugged and all the servers wore masks.  It was our first restaurant meal since March 16, and between our travels and the Coronacrisis, it was our first time at this restaurant since Christmas Eve.  We’re still not in a hurry to resume our normal visitation, but it was nice to see our friends.

This photo is one I took on our morning walk yesterday and it says several things to me.  The new X-T4 handles dynamic range really well, and it has very little noise despite a lot of shadow and highlight adjustment.  This was taken with the 23mm f1.4 prime lens.  The in-body image stabilization seems to work really well with non-stabilized lenses – as advertised.  In this photo, the lens exhibits very little flare and barely any chromatic aberration.  The 23 has been my favorite prime, it works really well on the X-T4 and makes a nice walk-around lens.

Phase 2: Day 19 – Life In Color

Construction workers at the mini storage construction site

One of my weekly routines is to go through the sale ad for our regular grocery store.  It amuses me to look at some of the foods that are advertised and wonder who eats them.  Today’s chuckle came from something called “Daily Crave Bourbon BBQ Quinoa Chips.”  I mean, that doesn’t even sound good.  I like bourbon, I like BBQ and I even like quinoa.  But I don’t know about mixing  them.  ‘Quinoa chips’ must be another one of the ways that food companies destroy otherwise healthy food by adding stuff to make it taste good to people who don’t know what healthy food tastes like.  I suppose you would wash those down with a Snapple. 😉

Phase 2: Day 18 – Life In Color

Pine cone inspection

I haven’t paid a lot of attention to the protests that have been going on around our country.  Not because I don’t care, I do.  But while I agree that things need to change, I fear that until the people in charge are held accountable, these demonstrations will only provide entertainment for the masses and actually accomplish little.  I always try to be an optimist but optimism can be tough to come by these days!

It’s hard to be anything but optimistic when our grandson Edison is around!  One of the things he enjoys is using an old pair of my binoculars to watch the birds and the squirrels, and to make people seem “right next to me!”  He has a very curious mind and loves looking at interesting things and taking “nature walks” behind our house.

Edison examining the neighbors’ flowers with binoculars
May I come in?

Phase 2: Day 17 – Life In Color

Construction equipment at the mini storage construction site

I’m still working with the settings on this new camera and processing of the files.  Our grandson visited yesterday so I got some photos of him.  Shooting pictures of a moving 4 year old was a good test of focus tracking, and also of the user’s ability to use the camera!

No, these are not his toys. 😉  I may have a photo or two to share soon.


Phase 2: Day 16 – Life In Color

Evening light from the patio

Yeah, it’s more transmission towers, but this time from a slightly different perspective.

We have about a 100 degree view from our patio, but most of the view is taken up with houses and other foreground clutter.  These towers make for an interesting foreground silhouette, since I don’t have any palm trees. 😉

The night before last, we were sitting on the porch watching the sunset, and I said, “I should get my camera.”  But I didn’t and the color got nice.  Last night, I said, “I should get my camera.”  And I did.  The color was actually a bit better than the night before, so I chose correctly. 🙂  This shows the advantage of having a long lens – 128mm with my 55-200.  I thought about giving the new IBIS a test, but opted for the stability of my tripod.

Phase 2: Day 15 – Life In Color

Shopping carts escaped from Walmart

Are you tired of looking at abandoned shopping carts yet?  There is an ample supply, and my other choice was more photos of transmission towers, so there you go.  Tomorrow may be transmission towers again!  I need to get out of the neighborhood.  Soon, I suspect.

I spent yesterday afternoon fiddling with menus and settings and taking photos of the ceiling fan on our porch.  It’s interesting what things can be controlled on these cameras, although I’m not sure what they all do or why I would need them.  I’m trying to figure out some of the custom settings but am discovering why I seldom bother – they are fussy and frustrating to figure out and it is getting in the way of taking pictures.  I’m going to keep trying, though.  Because I suspect that there is value in using them that I won’t recognize until I’ve used them.  Duh.

Today I’m working with the camera profiles in Lightroom to see what they will do.  Fuji added a bunch of new profiles to their cameras over the last 5 years or so, and I need to catch up!  There are 4 new black & white settings and a number of color/film emulations to figure out.  I try not to use the same settings all the time, but I do like to have a common starting point.  In order to know what to use I need to know (1) what I like, and (2) what they all do.  So, the homework continues!

Phase 2: Day 14 – Life In Color

No waiting for curbside pickup this early!
“There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path.”  Incorrectly attributed to many sources, origin uncertain.  I like it anyway.  Sort of like the one about the journey being the destination.

The quote is on a card that I received yesterday with a shipment of coffee beans.  Freedom Fresh Roasts is a small batch coffee roaster operated by a long-time friend and former restaurant manager.  I’ve had his coffee in restaurants but he just recently started selling online.  I haven’t had the beans yet but will report as soon as I’ve tried them.  I have a feeling they’ll be yummy! 🙂

Phase 2: Day 13 – Life In Color

Delivery of building supplies to the new storage center under construction

The summertime heat and humidity have finally arrived.  It’s typical here in the south, but we do the “thermometer dance” in the spring between heat and A/C, then BAM! it’s summer.  We’ve been taking our walks early.  Well, early for Kathy. 😉  That gives us a chance to get home before our shoes start melting into the pavement!

The Big Brown Truck is bringing me a special package today.  I’ll write about it tomorrow. 🙂