Postcard From Mystic, Connecticut

Sunset along the Mystic River in Mystic, Connecticut

My plans to get out and photograph on our first evening in Mystic were foiled by a chance meeting with a fellow retired banker – albeit from Florida – and her sister who lives in a condo near our hotel.  We had a lovely conversation over drinks and, while I did manage to grab a few photos within close proximity to my chair on the deck, the camaraderie was more compelling than the photography! 😉

I’ll try again in the morning!

Postcard From Narragansett, Rhode Island

The Narragansett Towers along Ocean Street in Narragansett, Rhode Island

I’m caught up with my postcards but don’t expect to stay that way.  We start the “New England” part of our journey today and have a lot we want to see.  The good part is that we will be staying multiple nights in each location from here out, so hopefully there will be some time for processing.

The Narragansett Towers, built in 1883, are the only remaining part of the original Narragansett Pier Casino. One of the most recognizable landmarks in Narragansett, The Towers currently hosts weddings, dances, dinners, plays, and fashion shows. Its location, adjacent to Narragansett town beach, makes it an ideal venue for social events.

Postcard From Scranton, Pennsylvania

Electric City sign atop the Scranton Electric Building in downtown Scranton

Scranton, Pennsylvania is known as The Electric City due to its early adoption of electric lighting in 1881. The sign is located atop the Scranton Electric Building in downtown Scranton.  We spent our second night out at the Radisson Hotel, located in the former Lackawanna Railway Passenger Station.  I have photos of that too, which will come later. 😉

Postcard From Staunton, Virginia

Beverly Street in downtown Staunton, Virginia is blocked off so restaurants can do outdoor dining.

Kathy and I embarked this past Friday on our Great New England Road Trip, spending our first night in a very non-New England (but still lovely) Staunton, Virginia.  Beverly Street in downtown Staunton, Virginia (pronounced ‘Stanton’) is blocked off so restaurants can do outdoor dining.  I shot this after dinner at Emilio’s, an excellent Italian restaurant located on the street behind my vantage point for this shot.

The photo is a teensy bit soft as it was taken handheld at 0.8 seconds, ISO 6400. 😉

Every Picture Has Its Shadows

Roanoke, Virginia

The title comes from an old Joni Mitchell tune, but it is also the title of my latest website gallery: Every Picture Has Its Shadows.  I had a tough time with this one, as I know that 140 photos are too many, but I had so many I didn’t want to leave out!  So here is my collection of shadow images.

Venice, Italy
Lake Wales, Florida
Fort Collins, Colorado

We’re off this morning on our latest adventure – 4 weeks along the New England coast, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York.  We’re hoping to meet up with some friends – Joe in Maine, Ken and Paul in New York, and with any luck we’ll run into Bob Krist along the way, assuming he gets back from the Azores in time.  Postcards to follow!

AC Hotel by Marriott Hotel in downtown Asheville, North Carolina
Hilton Head Island, South Caro
The Glenora Inn and Distillery, Glenville, Nova Scotia
Waynesville, NC

Saturday In The Park

(Although it was the Fourth of September, not the Fourth of July *)

Just before he realized what I was doing.

Kathy & I met our son Scott and grandson Edison at nearby Tuckaseegee Park in Mount Holly, NC.  They have a nice playground there plus  several walking paths that run through the woods and along the Catawba River.  Edison likes to take “nature walks” so we spent an hour or so there before returning to our house to a lunch of “Tube Steaks.”

Short break on a park bench.
He doesn’t know the rules, but always “wins.”

Edison isn’t fond of my taking pictures of him but his complaints fall on (my selectively) deaf ears. 🙂

Obligatory sunstar.
Water for the soccer pitch.
Two of a kind!

* For the kids out there, a reference to a 1972 song by the best music group of all time.  Regardless what they say about bands named after bugs or rocks. 🙂

Thinking In Terms of Groupings

printed individually on 16×16″ birch plywood and hung as a wall grouping

Over the years I have had several opportunities to think about grouping images into small, themed collections.  A photography museum here in Charlotte used to have an “annuale” where photographers would submit a group of 7 photos, to be judged in the context of a theme.  I made submissions over a number of years but was always frustrated by the winners, which I deemed to be too “weird,” especially compared to my boringly “normal” photos. Pictures of subjects like roadkill and out of focus body parts seemed to take priority over what I felt was my best effort!

selected food and wine-related images printed as a 3×3 grid on 39×39″ canvas

More recently Lenswork magazine had a feature from which they published a number of books titled “Seeing In Sixes.”  I never submitted to that one, although I probably should have.  I’d have a better shot there than trying to compete in the “art photography” world here in Charlotte.  Later editions of Lenswork have featured “Image Suites” which are groupings of similarly-themed photos but without a specific number.

printed individually on 24″ canvas and hung as a wall grouping for a restaurant in charlotte

While going through my images for updating my website I realized that I had also come up with a number of groupings, most of the smaller ones for decor purposes but also larger ones for books, such as the now defunct (I think) SoFoBoMo.

printed individually on 24″ canvas and hung as a wall grouping for a restaurant in charlotte

Even though I only have a few of them so far, I decided to add a new section to my website to show the groupings I have made.  As I go through my images I’ll likely come up with a few more – we still have some empty wall space in the house, although not much!

printed individually on 24″ canvas and hung as a wall grouping for a restaurant in charlotte

So here is a link to my latest website gallery Groupings.  Hopefully to be a work in process.

New Website Gallery: Faces In Places

Performer from El Alma de la Luna of Spain at the Folkmoot “Parade of Nations” in Waynesville, North Carolina

I’ve had some time to work on another new gallery for my website.  This one I have decided to title “Faces In Places.”

Paul Cullen, former Bad Company Bassist turned wine impresario performing at Dressler’s Metro in Charlotte

I don’t consider myself to be a people photographer, and a lot of my photos have no people in them whatsoever.  But on occasion we come across some irresistible or interesting subject that we just have to photograph.

Galley tour and dinner on Celebrity Summit

Most of these are completely candid, although admittedly there are a few where a connection was made.  They tend to be the best ones, in my opinion.

Enjoying ice cream while watching Guitarist “Adam Kadabara” in Edinburgh, Scotland

A Rather Unproductive Week

Marina on Little Port Brook in Atlantic, North Carolina

I might have just as easily titled this post “A Week of Excuses.” 🙂

“Redneck (Y)acht Club”

Kathy & I have returned from our jaunt to the NC coast.  I did a little bit of photography, but not nearly as much as I had intended.  I came back with a few decent photographs, but since photography wasn’t really the main purpose of the trip, I’m not disappointed.

Fishing boats at a marina on Brooks Creek on Harker’s Island, North Carolina

– It was HOT and HUMID!  The kind of humidity that makes your glasses (and camera lenses) steam up when you go outside, even at 7:00 in the morning!  The low temperatures at night were in the low 80s, stretching to the upper 80s/low 90s during the day.  I’m not a fan of heat, so that made it tough.

Fishing boats at a marina on Brooks Creek on Harker’s Island, North Carolina

– I’ve been battling a recurring sore leg, which was not helped by walking on sand.  So we limited our beach walking a bit which limited my photographic opportunities.

Bridge on SR 12 over the Thorofare River on Cedar Island, North Carolina
Marina on Little Port Brook in Atlantic, North Carolina

– Mostly we were spending time with family and friends and generally relaxing, so it was overall a good trip.

Now we have a few weeks to rest up for our next adventure.  Coming soon! 🙂

Fixer-upper for sale on E Front Street in New Bern, North Carolina
Elvis Sighting – New Bern, North Carolina

New Website Gallery: Nautica

Englehard, North Carolina

I’ve been procrastinating a bit, but this morning I finally put the finishing touches on my first new website gallery titled “Nautica.”  I discussed it in an earlier post but had been fiddling around with the pictures and updating the processing on the photos that  I thought would benefit.

A direct link to the gallery is here.

We’re off to the NC coast for a few days of R&R and visiting our Ohio relatives who insist on coming south during the hottest part of the summer.  We love them anyway and look forward to a few days of sand and saltwater.  I may take a few photos….

Boatbuilders shop along the waterfront, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
St Kitts
Boat Reflections on Far Creek, Englehard, North Carolina
Catamaran cruise in Nevis

Photographs and stuff!