We visited Quoddy Head State Park today, location of the Quoddy Head Lighthouse as well as the Easternmost Point in the US. That gives us the two easiest of the four, along with Key West. The Northernmost and Westernmost Points are a bit more challenging. 😉

Finally a photo of the two of you! Love the first image as it almost looks like a painting.
I had to do a little magic on the first one because the side facing me was in shadow. But I liked that angle and it seems to look OK with the processing.
We don’t do too many self portraits. I did have my “expensive selfie stick” (tripod) with me, but I found a willing person who looked like she knew which end of the camera to point at us. She did a pretty good job! 😉
Most of the time in these places if I offer to take a photo of a couple with their phone/camera they are willing to do the same for us. I just don’t always ask.