Kathy & I had some time to kill yesterday on our drive to Wisconsin, so what better way to stretch the 6 hour drive into 8 hours than to look for photos? 🙂

Earlier in the day we had encountered the tail end of some of the soaking rains that passed through central Illinois in previous days and were treated to beautiful skies as the storm clouds broke up into what I call “Ansel Adams Clouds.” It was quite a treat. We detoured down several side roads and came across some interesting scenes, including extensive wind farms and old barns. Quite a nice day to extend a trip on a nice day!
I am trying to shoot exclusively with my prime lenses on this trip, but in a last-minute moment of weakness I tossed my 16-80 zoom into a bag. I’m going to try hard not to use it, but it is with me in case the need should arise. Interestingly, I started off the day with my 23, but at one point realized that I needed to switch to the 35. My first though started out as “oh, I don’t want to bother changing lenses.” But then my sensible side said, “you idiot, if you need to change lenses you change lenses!” So I did. I also remembered to put on my polarizer! 😉

Now this is a photo subject I really do enjoy looking at. Glad you had the polarizer!
They would probably have been nice scenes even without the clouds (or the polarizer) but it was great to have the good fortune of both. Along with the time to stop and take advantage of them!
We were going horizontally thru Illinois on July 4-5. I don’t know when you were there but it would have been funny if we crossed paths.
Yeah, that would have been crazy! We were actually in Canfield, OH on July 4-5 visiting friends in that area. So if you were on I-80 or I-90 we might have been close.
Details to come soon via e-mail regarding our East Coast tour. We’ll be nearby for several days in Rockport, MA and Boothbay Harbor, ME so hopefully we can work out a rendezvous.