One of the things that really struck me about the midwest was how far you could see without seeing anything but grass, snow fences and (sometimes) wind farms. This is just one of the many roads we traveled and happens to be in Wyoming. I could have taken many photos like this but it would be hard to tell them apart. 😉
You are so very right. You can understand why they call Montana Big Sky Country. But that offers us the big vistas and a sky full of clouds.
Unfortunately our visit to Big Sky Country turned out to be rainy and dreary. But we already plan to go back – much more of that state to see than the little corner we cut through!
I remember when I retired from the AF and traveling from Colorado Springs to Dayton, Oh and driving through the Salt Flats of Utah and seeing the road miles ahead straight as an arrow and traveling at 109mph in a Mazda RX-7 just because we could!!
Don Brown
Any why not? Sounds like a great time – those were the days! 🙂
I have not traveled the midwest at ground level, only at 30000 or so feet. That’s a lot of nothing out there but also not much to interfere with a composition.
But it’s a surprisingly beautiful nothing. The open spaces, lack of people and traffic, and more often than not only the sound of the wind – heavenly!