One of the things that has impressed me about Fort Collins, CO is the amount of public art, especially in Old Town. They even publish maps and have a walking tour telling people where to find it. Sometimes the art is sculpture, pavers on the sidewalk, plaques or other displays. Two of the most prevalent forms seem to be painted pianos placed around town that anyone can play, and painted utility box covers. A very clever way to disguise what is usually seen as big, green, ugly boxes.

It’s evidently brand new, as it isn’t shown in Google Street View and I couldn’t find out anything about it in the published information. But this structure is almost certainly art. If not, I have no idea what its purpose would be! I had a little fun with it while walking around on a beautiful, sunshiny day!

If anyone wants to check it out, it is located in an alleyway in an area bordered by Oak Street, Mason Street, Mountain Ave. and College Ave. Right behind Walrus Ice Cream! 🙂
Yes, the city does promote the arts. They have their first Friday art walks in the summer months. They also setup these artists who paint the pianos so that people can watch them paint.
It looks like the weather has cooled off a bit since we were there. Today here in NC it’s 80 degrees and we have the windows open. It’s going to get a bit cooler as the week progresses but I haven’t seen snow in the forecast (yet).
Yes, it’s 18 degrees. 🙂
I agree – it’s art. High art, too.
It was up there, for sure. Thanks, Ken!