The Land Where The Palm Trees Grow *

Palm tree nurseries near Homestead, Florida

I suppose if I had thought about it I would have realized that somewhere on this planet had to be a place that had palm tree nurseries.  Today we found them!

Palm tree nurseries near Homestead, Florida
Palm tree nurseries near Homestead, Florida
Palm tree nurseries near Homestead, Florida

Kathy & I are in south Florida and decided to head out to Biscayne National Park near Homestead.  On our way there and back we passed dozens of palm tree nurseries, covering thousands of acres or more.  I shot a few examples of them on the way, but it was amazing to see the sheer number of palm trees – of all sizes and types – being grown all in one place!

Palm tree nurseries near Homestead, Florida
Palm tree nurseries near Homestead, Florida

* Some sources suggest that the original song lyrics are “the land where the bong tree grows,” but this is the version I remember – from “The Owl & The Pussycat”

Itchy Feet

Blackbeards Castle, St Thomas, US Virgin Islands

We’ve been home long enough.  It’s getting cold here (by NC standards – sorry Monte and Jeff!) so we’re preparing to depart for warmer climes for a few weeks of “cruise ship hopping” and exploring the Everglades.  I hope to post periodic “postcards” from our travels.  Stay warm!

Good Quote

Sunset at Clingmans Dome, Great Smoky Mountains National Park

He said, “Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” Roald Dahl

I came across this quote several years ago in a shop in Bryson City, NC.  It might even be the same shop where I found the frog, I don’t remember.

Photographs and stuff!