I was looking through my news feed earlier and saw a headline titled “New fast-casual turkey leg restaurant called Jive Turkey Hut opening in north Charlotte.” Out loud I asked “why does Charlotte (or anyone) need a restaurant that serves turkey legs? To which Kathy answered “because there are more of them than there are of you.”
According to the article, they are known for their “stuffed, smothered and sauced turkey legs including a shrimp alfredo turkey leg and a crawfish macaroni and cheese turkey leg.” A location in Houston typically has lines wrapped around the building.
I realize I live a sheltered life and that we don’t frequent many restaurants, but I can’t imagine.
Welcome back. I looked through your album of your last adventure. The pictures were awesome too.
We visited some interesting places and had a blast. Even learned some things! Glad to be back to base for a little while.
I also welcome you home. As for the chicken legs don’t really interest me. Although it would be a place I’d probably visit once out of curiosity. After saying that I do remember a time at a Renaissance Festival watching people carrying those gigantic turkey legs around and suddenly felt hunger. I am more interested in spending my money on important things like mocha lattes, Dove’s chocolates,and unnecessary camera stuff.
Well, we all have our vices! I echo your proclivity for unnecessary camera equipment.
Me, too!!! And you can have all of my turkey legs.
Thanks, but no, Ken. I tend to stick with chicken lips.