Hawaii Five-Oh!

Early morning light at the Fairmont Kea Lani Hotel in Wailea, Maui

Well, we made it! Kathy & I arrived on Maui this past Tuesday, and that marks our 50th state visited. We’ll be here about 10 days, home on Friday, March 4.

We’ve got a pretty busy schedule and I’ve been taking a lot of photos. But I don’t think I’m going to spend much of my time at the computer, so here are a few shots from our first evening and first morning to give you all something to look at.

The scenery here is amazing, the people are terrific, the weather is beautiful and we are eating lots of fish. I love Poke, and like lobster in Maine, Hawaii is the place for Poke! 😉

Early morning light on the beach near the Fairmont Kea Lani Hotel in Wailea, Maui
Early morning light on the beach near the Fairmont Kea Lani Hotel in Wailea, Maui
Early morning light on the beach near the Fairmont Kea Lani Hotel in Wailea, Maui
Early morning light on the Maui shoreline near Wailea
Early morning light on the Maui shoreline near Wailea

16 thoughts on “Hawaii Five-Oh!”

    1. Yes, it is something we’ve been looking forward to. While it is worth the wait I kind of wish it hadn’t taken so long to get to the top of the list!

  1. Now that is inviting. It was 5 degrees this morning here and snow expected later this afternoon. Totally envious! Enjoy, make wonderful memories, take lots of photos and eat all the poke ya want.

    1. The weather here has been great – “chilly” 60s in the mornings with highs in the low 80s. And the humidity is surprisingly low for somewhere in the middle of the ocean. Nothing like what we find in the Caribbean. I could live here. Except for the money part. 🙂

  2. Outstanding! Congrats on getting to 50! In contrast, we had 34” of snow over the course of 36 hours here in da U.P.

    Have fun!

  3. I would have to agree. Hawaii is not Florida, for sure!

    We may be passing through your vicinity in late March or early April. Let’s see if we can meet up for lunch or something.

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