We decided we couldn’t come all the way out here and not to at least a few “big name” places. We visited Hoover Dam and took a boat cruise on Lake Mead. Quite a beautiful area! Hot and windy here but a nice cloud cover made for pretty decent photography. I took a few photos! On toward Route 66 tomorrow and the Grand Canyon on Monday.
When I first looked at this I thought, he gone and bought one of those drones. Then I read the caption. I visited here years ago and for a very short time.
No drones here! Besides, I’m not sure I could have flown one in the wind out there. It was hard enough keeping the camera steady. We also did a boat cruise on Lake Mead, which will be the subject for another post…or two.
I’ve only been over that bridge once, can you stop and photograph or did you shoot from the window of the car? In the past you drove atop the dam and there are some view spots on the far side (right of frame). The last time I was there we did the tour of the museum and it was pretty interesting but once was enough.
The walls of the bridge are too high to see anything while driving across, unless you are in a semi or other tall vehicle. There is a parking area on the Nevada side and a walkway that leads up to the bridge. From there you can walk nearly all the way across to the other side. Much less dangerous traffic-wise than having hundreds of gawkers stopping on the bridge!
All of the inside stuff was closed, so we didn’t spend any time down at the dam itself. We did get some good views of the backside of the dam and of the bridge from our boat cruise. I’ll post them later.