Ordinary Household Objects: Day 13

Ordinary Household Objects: French Press

One of the “miracles” of our modern time is home delivery from all kinds of stores.  It is proving to be especially useful now, as a way to minimize trips to public places like Home Depot and Target.  There is little point in risking exposure for hummingbird nectar or Roundup, but you can have it delivered!  Delivery does have a bit of a downside, however, as things don’t always get delivered at the same time.  I purchased some patio cleaner and a pump sprayer to clean some mildew off our patio.  The cleaner will come today, but the sprayer isn’t due to arrive until Friday.  Good thing I’ve got plenty of time to wait.  I’m not in a hurry to do chores! 😉

5 thoughts on “Ordinary Household Objects: Day 13”

  1. Ah, the french press to start the morning. Yes, I think people are ordering a lot online. All, I’ve ordered have been books. Have one coming today. 🙂

    1. I’ve been a little jealous when our neighbors get packages but we don’t. So I decided it was time to order some of my own goodies. Unfortunately it has mostly been stuff for new projects. 🙁 When we get our Trump Dividend I’ve been lobbying for a new camera. Amazingly, all parties are not yet in agreement on that, but it would make for a nice delivery! 🙂

      I haven’t resorted to meal delivery, but I’ve been tempted.

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