Kathy & I recently celebrated our 35th anniversary by spending a week at The Four Seasons Resort in Nevis. It was a splurge for us, but 35 years only comes around once. In the end it was well worth it. I have a lot more words bottled up in my puny little brain, but for now I just wanted to share some photos.

There were several things that made Nevis an enticing destination for us. We had never been there except for a brief stop on a catamaran cruise from St. Kitts, The Four Seasons is known as one of the top resorts in the Caribbean, and almost no one we talked to knew where it was!

This was a non-photographic vacation in a very photogenic place, so I had to work hard to suppress the photographer in me. I did take a camera, of course, and did use it quite a bit. But many of the day-to-day photos I took were made with my phone. I’ll share those at a later time with some more words. For now this post will share a few of my initial favorites!

Congrats to your 35th anniversary Tom. This *is* an achievement, in our times more than ever, I guess.
And you brought beautiful images, of which I admired the leaves mini-series the most. I am a sucker for this color, and when I see it combined with such fine graphic patterns, there’s not much that can hold me back 🙂
We always like to joke that it’s 35 years to the same person that makes it a big deal! But you’re right, it is quite the achievement.
I’ll talk more about it in a future post, but the taxi driver on our tour couldn’t figure out what I was taking pictures of. But when I showed him on the LCD of my camera he couldn’t believe it.
Thanks for the comment, Markus!
Only 35? Heck, you’re practically newlyweds! Barb and I reach that magical 50th anniversary in about 6 weeks. Well, maybe not so “magical” age-wise……
Seriously, though, congratulations! And Markus is right – long term marriages are becoming more and more rare these days. Even in my own family. Pretty soon people like us will be as rare as the proverbial dodo bird.
Some very good images here, Tom. Not to mention the fact that it looks just a little warmer there than it does where I am now (it’s snowing out my window).
Thanks, Paul. Anniversaries are worth celebrating just like birthdays. We may not always feel like newlyweds but it’s still a heck of a lot of fun!
Unfortunately, what little tan I got has all peeled off and been replaced with goosebumps. We hit 28 this morning, which is pretty chilly for us. But at least the sun is shining. No snow in the forecast…yet (shhhh)!
Very beautiful scenery and great rich colors. Happy Anniversary!
Thanks, Karin!
BTW, Kathy & I are toying with the prospect of a visit to coastal Maine sometime next year, possibly late summer early fall. I may come to you for some local knowledge!
Congratulations to both of you and hope there are many more to come! This again is a classic Tom series of images, giving us a look at your experience. It looks like paradise, at least my version of paradise.
Monte, Nevis and especially The Four Seasons would fit just about anyone’s version of Paradise! I’d love to go there again, but it’s definitely a special occasion place for us. The lady who ran the concierge desk was a 25 year veteran of the resort and told us we needed to come back for 3 weeks the next time. Kathy & I decided that would be really great, but we would be broke the other 49 weeks of the year! Might be a reasonable exchange, but we’re not convinced. Yet!
Congratulations to you both. Some of those images are striking in terms of colour; a real feast for the eyes. Looks like a beautiful place.
It was definitely a beautiful place, Cedric. I could have spent a lot more time photographing, but then I would be in danger of not seeing my 36th anniversary! Just kidding of course, but with every choice comes a consequence, and this was not a photography trip. I am quite glad to have gotten a few nice mementos of the trip. And there are more, I just haven’t gotten to them yet.
Congratulations on 35 years of marriage. A heck of an accomplishment in these days.
Thanks, Ken!