I’ve been away, but I haven’t gone far. We’ve had a few things going on over the last couple of months that disrupted the little bit of posting momentum that I had back in January. I forced myself to spend a little time on the computer to process a few photos and throw a few words onto the blog so everyone knows I still love them!
A few weeks ago – seems like months – Kathy & I visited Charleston, SC for a weekend. February probably isn’t the ideal time to visit Charleston, and the particular weekend that we went was cold and windy. We spent a lot of time dashing from shop to shop, looking for shelter from the cold, and even dodged a little rain & snow on the first day there.
Charleston is a photogenic town whenever you visit. I did some photographing while we were there, and while I certainly didn’t capture the “classic” Charleston, I feel like I captured what I saw and felt while we were there. Add some color from a few flowers and trees, a little warmer weather and the results would be totally different.
One of the things that has kept me off the computer is a little “reading project” that I got myself into. When we took our cruise in January, I decided that I wanted to read the Harry Potter series. I had never read any of the books, never saw the movies, and our kids were too old by the time the books became popular for them to bring “Potter-itis” into our home. So I got the first volume as an e-book from the library before we left, started in on it, and I got hooked. I quickly finished the first book while onboard, and quickly downloaded the second volume. I just finished #5 of 7 and decided it was time for a little break. It’s great reading, but it sucked me in and wouldn’t let go!
We’re headed to “The Other Charleston” this coming weekend – Charleston, West Virginia. We’re meeting Bill & Cathy, our friends from Ohio, there to make some travel plans for this coming summer. I’ll definitely have a camera with me and hope to have some time to wander around, so I’ll be interested to see what that Charleston has to offer.
It’s a nice quiet Sunday night, perfect for working on some photos. I heard something about some kind of game, but whatever.
Kathy & I have developed this idea of being “tourists in our own town” and are starting to play around with that idea. Not Charlotte specifically, but all of the small towns around. Too often we head to the mountains or the beach looking for something to do, when there is a lot to do in our own back yard.
We had occasion to be in Charlotte yesterday, so we spent some time walking around downtown. It was a little chilly, but we managed to stay warm enough, we had lunch in a new (for me) restaurant, and got some fresh air. Not a bad way to spend Groundhog Day.
Now, about that game. It’s probably on TV, right? Never mind. 🙂
I’m a few hours early, but here is my wallpaper for February. I generally shy away from sunrises and sunsets for my wallpaper, but this one looked pretty nice and I thought it was a photo someone wouldn’t mind looking at for a month, so here it is.
This photo was taken on the last night of our recent cruise. The land is one (or more – it’s hard to tell) of the Bahamas islands. I don’t often get to include land in the foreground when we’re on a ship, and while it doesn’t add a lot it is an extra element of interest. Great sunbeams and color make this a special sunset.
Here in the south we’ve survived our 72 hours of “winter” and will be soon looking forward to spring flowers and buds on the trees. For those of you in the colder climes – sorry! 🙂 I hope everyone has a wonderful February, wherever you might be!
Considering that last Friday I was enjoying a sunny and warm day in St. Martin, I didn’t have much hope that today would be a better day. But with the forecast of impending inclement weather, my office closed at noon. What a deal!
One of the things that is interesting – and sometimes frustrating – about living in a place where it hardly ever snows, is that no one really knows what to do when the weather gets “bad.” Those of us from up North, at least for a few years after moving here, scoff at the locals who run out for milk and bread and prepare to hibernate until the temperature gets above freezing. After a few years we realize that we also don’t remember how to drive on ice and decide it’s a good excuse to stay home, or go home if we are out.
The difficult decisions are for the schools and for the parents who have kids in school. I hadn’t been at work for 5 minutes this morning when I heard a couple of Mommies wringing their hands about how bad the weather was going to be. Then at about 8:00 we got a little bit of sleet and freezing drizzle, and the brave talk about hanging around until noon was gone. The schools went from dismissing 2 hours early, to dismissing at noon and then “we’re closing NOW!” And the roads weren’t even bad, although they look a little slimy out there as I write this.
I’ll take a little time off however I can get it. And I’m obviously putting it to good use – writing a blog post and processing a few photos. Some of my favorite activities!
I hope everyone has an excellent last weekend of January. Spring is right around the corner – sunny and warmer tomorrow!
I’ve been away for a little while, but it looks like everyone has behaved. Kathy & I just returned to Charlotte from Fort Lauderdale, disembarking our cruise ship this morning after 10 days in the Caribbean. Sitting in the airport this morning, I looked at the weather forecast and thought seriously about hopping the flight to San Juan instead. 🙂
I’ll have some photos to post once I get them downloaded and processed, but for now here’s one I took with my tablet and processed with Snapseed. The Nexus 10 has a pretty decent camera, but it’s a little tough to hold a tablet still in the breeze on the deck of a moving ship. The colors are a little juicy, but that’s the whole point of Snapseed, right? 🙂
I had intended to post this from the airport this morning, but I couldn’t figure out how to get the photo into the post from my tablet. Strange. I guess I’ll need to do some research.
My grandfather was a wise man, and growing up I learned a lot of my lessons about life from hours of conversations at my grandparents’ kitchen table. We talked about everything from music, work and investing, to relationships and life in general. In many ways I was closer to my grandparents than my parents, because they loved and appreciated me for who I was, and they didn’t carry the burden of trying to raise me and to make sure I “came out right.”
Grandpa had lots of sayings, phrases and colloquialisms that he liked to use. One of his favorite “good-bye’s” was the admonishment to “keep your head clear and your bowels open.” I always thought that was rather silly, but I knew what he meant. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized even more what he meant.
Our numerous conversations often revolved around things that troubled me as well as things that made me happy. When I started to second guess my choice of major in my first year of college, we talked about the pros and cons. He supported my decision to change to a business major and helped me get my first job in banking. I didn’t talk a lot about relationships with him, but we shared the occasional tear over a lost love or a missed opportunity. We talked about the good things and the bad. When my grandparents experienced health issues we talked about aging. When my parents were experiencing what were ultimately terminal health issues we spent a lot of time talking about life.
I always joked that it was because he was an avid golfer that he was able to withstand “the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat.” Nothing was more exhilarating and at the same time frustrating as the game of golf (exhilarating for him and frustrating for me). He was always good at golf, and despite my best efforts I always sucked at it. But he applied his philosophy of golf to the way he looked at life. Whenever we talked about things that were especially wonderful or especially troubling, he would look off into the distance and exclaim, “Ah, the Vicissitudes of Life.”
Nothing has epitomized the Vicissitudes of Life as much as the last several years. In 2009 I spent 9 months out of work, but late in the year found a job doing what I’ve done for 30+ years. In 2010 Scott – our oldest son – was engaged, we took a cruise with Scott & Kristin and our best friends Bill & Cathy. In 2011 Kevin – our youngest son – graduated from college after a longer than anticipated effort, Scott & Kristin got married and we gained a daughter.
This past year showed us the other side of the pendulum. Kathy lost both of her parents in a three month period, after a rather abrupt turn for the worse early in the year. I lost four friends and co-workers – three of whom had retired over the last several years – in the last year. All four well before their time. Few things are harder than that, but through it all we’ve managed a few bright spots. Both of our kids spent another year paying their own bills, we had a few great vacations, made some new friends and re-connected with some old ones. We’ve inched a few steps closer to our eventual retirement and are making some great plans for 2013.
Kathy told me the other night that, despite how tough this year has been, that she is thankful that relatively speaking, her burden has been light. She knows that despite all that happened, things could have gone differently. It’s unlikely that they would have gone better for her parents, since the forces that took them were irreversible. But it’s not hard to think about what things could have been like. And she’s right. There are many people carrying much heavier burdens than those we have been carrying. To the extent we can help we certainly will, and to the extent we can be thankful for our own, we’ll do our best.
For me, the Vicissitudes of Life means being open to the things that life brings us, and understanding that with the good sometimes must come the bad. It means not living in fear of the future or of the unknown, but it also means not ignoring the realities. It means finding a balance between enjoying today while planning for tomorrow. It means being there when a friend needs us, and not being afraid to ask for help when we need it. It means supporting others when things are tough, and celebrating with them when things go well. It means recognizing what’s important and focusing our energies on those things, and being mindful of all the things that are not as deserving of our time and attention.
For our Christmas gifts this year, Kathy & I bought new luggage. But we’re convinced that the true gift is not the luggage itself but is the privilege, and perhaps the responsibility, to put as many miles on it as possible. So off we go!
“Who says nothing is impossible? Some people do it every day!” (Attributed to Alfred E. Neuman, but who knows?)
I was doing my usual morning headline scan the other morning and came across one that read:
“Top 10 things to worry about in 2013”
So, it’s not enough to just live my life, plan for the future, eat right and exercise. I have to read lists to tell me what to worry about? Please. And actually, none of the items on that list are things that even affect me. Maybe in some distant way, but will they impact my day-to-day life? No. I realize that it’s not good to completely ignore current events, and I don’t. I’m far from oblivious. But why do the media think we need things to worry about? I suppose it provides better ratings or page views, but that’s just one more thing to get in the way.
It’s bad enough that we can’t trust any information we get these days. But then we get these people who feel the need to tell us what we need to worry about? No thanks! If we want to spend our days running around like Chicken Little I guess that just adds fuel to the fire, but that’s not how I prefer to spend my days. Especially the preciously small portion of my days that I get to spend actually doing something I want to be doing!
On my previous post, Monte asked about how the HDR version of that image came out, and as it turned out I didn’t do an HDR series on that particular photo so I didn’t have anything to compare. Just for kicks though, I went back and found an image where I did do a bracketed series including an in-camera HDR file.
Most of my readers know that I really dislike futzing around in Photoshop, so I probably didn’t do the HDR version justice. But while there are things I like about it, I’m really a fan of the contrast you get from a single file. While the HDR version perhaps shows more “detail” I’d rather see the contrast. Of course I’m a fan of rich, dark tones in my photos and HDR kind of defeats the purpose for me.
I’ve made these files a little larger for those who want to pixel peep. But please don’t criticize my Photoshop skills. Because, especially for things like HDR, I’m really out of practice.
Walking around the inside this covered bridge last weekend, I knew that it was the perfect subject for some HDR. I’m not a particular fan of HDR as a rule, but knew that this would be a good place to give it a try. I took a series of bracketed shots using the in-camera HDR feature in my camera. But when I got to playing with it in Lightroom, I decided to see what it looked like without actually blending the frames. As it turns out I think that I actually like it this way. I’ve had to make some pretty extreme exposure adjustments and it’s as noisy as my neighbor’s dog, but I think I’ve got the final result that I envisioned when I took the photo. And ultimately, if I get the result I’m looking for it really doesn’t much matter how I get there, does it?
Here’s a “before” shot just to see where I started:
Kathy & I spent a quiet and relaxing (except for the drive home) extended Thanksgiving weekend in eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania visiting family and friends. As is my usual habit, I spent minimal time perusing the interwebs or watching television, so I enjoyed a blissful 5 days away from all of the messages telling me what I was supposed to be doing, buying or worrying about. Fortunately I returned to work today, so I was able to get my 5-minute daily dose (aggregated from all my visits to the break room during the day) of television “news,” so I am now up to speed again. Fiscal Cliff, blah-blah, Black Friday, blah-blah, Cyber Monday, blah-blah, Petraeus (or not Petraeus), blah-blah, Egypt, blah-blah, football, blah-blah, William and Kate, etc.
Somehow all of that stuff pales in comparison to cherished and overdue time with loved ones. I hope you all had time to spend with yours.