Category Archives: Travel

Switches and Controls

Evening on the Beach, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Evening on the Beach, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

We live in an age of absolutes. We have political parties who won’t support another party’s position just because it isn’t theirs, even when it is right. If we choose to not support a given cause then we are considered to be against it, even though we might be generous contributors to some other cause. When we drive it seems we are either rushing down the road like we’re on our way to a fire, or sitting at a traffic light checking the messages on our phones that came since the last red light.

Evening on the Beach, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Evening on the Beach, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Our Subaru came with a gauge on the dashboard that gives a visual reference as to whether we are “using gas” or “saving gas.” “Using gas” goes all the way to the 6:00, or “minus” position, while “saving gas” goes to the 12:00 or “plus position. When I am driving down a level road at a reasonable speed, the needle is horizontal at the 9:00 position, which in goldilocks terms means “just right” territory. But the scale between all the way “plus” and all the way “minus” is a continuum. When we first bought the car I became fixated on that gauge, mostly because I was surprised at how often it was pegged to the “minus” position and how seldom it hovered in “plus” territory. Sometimes the gauge just has to go into the Minus zone, like when pulling away from a traffic light, merging onto a freeway or going up a hill. But other than that, I have adjusted how I use the accelerator in order to keep that needle from “hitting bottom” any more than necessary.

Evening on the Beach, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Evening on the Beach, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

This will sound silly, but in many ways that gauge has literally changed my life. That visual reference has taught me that the gas pedal is a control, and not an on/off switch.

Evening on the Beach, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Evening on the Beach, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

My son Kevin has a term for people who pay attention to things and people around us. He calls us “observers.” I like that term because it is descriptive but not a label. Being an observer is both a blessing and a curse. Being an observer lets us experience things around us that other people overlook, for all the various reasons that people overlook things. Being an observer also makes us see all the things that people do that make us angry. One of the things I observe is how often people appear to live their lives either “off” or “on.” And for me that often manifests itself in how people drive.

Evening on the Beach, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Evening on the Beach, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

I see that little needle as an analogy for the way I live my life, and I guess I project it on others as I imagine them running around with their personal needles pegged on Minus. This feeling is especially prevalent on my drive to work in the morning, as we move from one stop light to the next, all of us ending up in the same place, just in a somewhat different order. Some people race to get to the light sooner, and just have to wait longer for it to change. Others roll up to the light just as it is getting ready to change, but it’s the same cars each time. I guess in many ways I’m playing the role of the tortoise vs. the hare, but I learned long ago that no one gives out prizes for being the first person into the office in the morning. And they don’t serve cocktails to those who are still in the office at 6:00. When I leave for the day, I do so with the confidence that it will be there when I get back. Right where I left it the day before. It’s funny how that works.

Evening on the Beach, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Evening on the Beach, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

So where did the title come from? I was thinking about the fact that people seem to know only two settings on their cars – “go” and “stop.” I was thinking about the fact that I can choose how hard to press the gas pedal – that it is a control that allows me to add gas gradually instead of just mashing it to the floor, instead of an off/on switch with only two settings. And I choose to live my life somewhere between the Plus and Minus settings. Sometimes it’s OK to peg the needle one way or the other, but things seem to run more smoothly when I keep the needle in the middle. And I guess I just find myself happier when my personal needle spends more time on the Plus side of the scale than the Minus.

The Forgotten Camera

Brian Culbertson performs at the 2014 Lowcountry Jazz Festival in Charleston, South Carolina
Brian Culbertson performs at the 2014 Lowcountry Jazz Festival in Charleston, South Carolina

Kathy & I headed to Charleston, SC over the Labor Day weekend to attend the Lowcountry Jazz Festival there.  When I was packing up my photo gear I didn’t know if I would be permitted to take a camera to the concerts, so at the last minute I pulled out my Fuji X-10 and decided to toss it in the bag.

Oli Silk and Elan Trotman perform at the 2014 Lowcountry Jazz Festival in Charleston, South Carolina
Oli Silk and Elan Trotman perform at the 2014 Lowcountry Jazz Festival in Charleston, South Carolina

I hadn’t been using the Fuji in a while, in fact I’ve been on a “use the best camera all the time” kick and haven’t been carrying a point & shoot camera at all.  And I have never been happy with the  way Lightroom processes the RAW files I’ve gotten out of the Fuji, so I had sort of abandoned it.

Boney James performs at the 2014 Lowcountry Jazz Festival in Charleston, South Carolina
Boney James performs at the 2014 Lowcountry Jazz Festival in Charleston, South Carolina

I have read a lot of comments about how good Fuji’s JPEG processing is, so I set the camera up to shoot high quality JPEGs.  And although I could have taken the “big camera” to the concerts I decided to just take the Fuji.  In fact that was the only camera I used all weekend.  We went out and did some touristy stuff and the X-10 did the job.

Jazz Attack featuring Peter White, Euge Groove and Rick Braun perform at the 2014 Lowcountry Jazz Festival in Charleston, South Carolina
Jazz Attack featuring Peter White, Euge Groove and Rick Braun perform at the 2014 Lowcountry Jazz Festival in Charleston, South Carolina

It did a pretty good job all in all, especially considering that it is several years old.  The concert photos were taken at ISO 1600 or 3200 and came out pretty good for a small sensor.  I decided to post these with no processing at all.  A few are a little on the dark side, but that is mostly due to the fact that I was using negative exposure compensation at the concerts and kept forgetting to reset it when I went outside!

Nick Colionne looking much like Paul Lester, but in a nicer suit.
Nick Colionne looking much like Paul Lester, but in a nicer suit.

I’m pretty impressed with the results from this camera.  In fact, based on a lot of things I have been reading lately, I’ve just about decided to try out one of their newer offerings as a possible eventual replacement for the full frame beast that I’ve been carrying.  It’s tough to beat the files I’m getting from the 5D, but with results like these from a several-year-old point & shoot, I think I owe it to myself to at least rent a newer model and see how I like it.  No surprise that we have some upcoming travel plans 😉 , so I may need to check out the options.

Jazz Attack featuring Peter White, Euge Groove and Rick Braun perform at the 2014 Lowcountry Jazz Festival in Charleston, South Carolina
Jazz Attack featuring Peter White, Euge Groove and Rick Braun perform at the 2014 Lowcountry Jazz Festival in Charleston, South Carolina
Clemson University Energy Innovation Center, North Charleston, SC
Clemson University Energy Innovation Center, North Charleston, SC
Clemson University Energy Innovation Center, North Charleston, S
I added this photo for Monte – this is a single blade from a wind turbine. It was HUGE!
Tanger Outlets, North Charleston, South Carolina
Tanger Outlets, North Charleston, South Carolina
Tanger Outlets, North Charleston, South Carolina
Tanger Outlets, North Charleston, South Carolina

Urban Landscapes

Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio

This is certainly not a new term in photography or even a new use for an old one.  But it’s a way I’ve described some of the images I’ve made during our various travels.  They aren’t people pictures and they aren’t (necessarily) historical landmarks, but it’s a way to describe the details that make up the greater part of the whole.

These are some of my “urban landscape” photos from our recent visit to Millersburg, OH.

Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio

Holmes County Court House

Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio

While we were in Ohio visiting my brother Bob, we went to Millersburg for dinner.  Here are a few photos that I took while waiting for our table at a local restaurant that happened to be right across the street from the Holmes County Courthouse.  It’s a classic building in classic (I’m sure there’s a proper word for it) courthouse architecture.

Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio
Holmes County Courthouse in Millersburg, Ohio


Some More of That

Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, Ohio
Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, Ohio

I’ve not been able to come up with a lot of words lately, but I have been making gradual progress on processing some photos.  Here are a few more from our now-not-so-recent trip to Ohio at the end of June.  Much more work to do, so I may just spit out a bunch of photos as I get to them.

I know my thousands of readers will go elsewhere if I don’t keep their attention. 🙂


Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, Ohio
Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, Ohio
Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, Ohio
Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, Ohio
Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, Ohio
Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, Ohio
Gaston's Mill at Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, O
Gaston’s Mill at Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, O

August 2014 Wallpaper

Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, Ohio
Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, Ohio

This month’s wallpaper is a little less abstracty than the ones I’ve been posting, but this is a fairly recent addition and one that I happen to like a lot.  I hope you do, too.

Kathy & I made a bit of a whirlwind visit to Ohio a few weeks ago – hard to believe it has been a month already – dang! – and on that trip we visited Beaver Creek State Park in Columbiana County, near where we lived before we relocated to North Carolina.

Unfortunately I don’t know the history of these trees, and even Google seems to be failing me, but I had forgotten them from previous visits.  They were obviously planted by someone many years ago, probably as an early reclamation project.  There are rows and rows of these trees throughout the park, and we spent some time walking around and I snapped a bunch of photos.  A thunderstorm had just passed through before we arrived, and while the rain saturated the greens, the sunshine made for some interesting shadows on the ground.  It also tended to make this a very contrasty scene, but I think the combination works well.  I tried to process it with a bit of a Velvia look and think it comes pretty close.  Hopefully you will be able to enjoy it for the month of August!

Salt Life

Sand bar in the Calibogue Sound
Sand bar in the Calibogue Sound

One of the cars I frequently see in our neighborhood has a sticker on the back that says “Salt Life.”  I’ve seen it in other places too, but never really knew what it was all about.  Remember that I live a sheltered life, with no advertising and stuff, so bear with me.  The other day going to work I followed an SUV that was sporting a “Salt Life” spare tire cover.  Finally getting the better of my curiosity, I turned to The Google to see what this was all about.

Sand bar in the Calibogue Sound
Sand bar in the Calibogue Sound

So as it turns out, Salt Life is a company that sells stuff that says Salt Life on it.  According to their website, they are “an authentic, aspirational and lifestyle brand that embraces those who love the ocean and everything associated with living the “Salt Life”.”  So in other words, according to the cynic in me (me, cynical? 🙂 ), they sell stuff to people who are too busy living some other “authentic aspirational lifestyle” to actually go to the beach and enjoy “everything associated with” being at the ocean.  It’s a fantastic business model – get people to pay for the privilege of advertising your brand.  One of the oldest models in the world.

Sand bar in the Calibogue Sound
Sand bar in the Calibogue Sound

 Don’t get me wrong, I’m good with it.  I ain’t judging.  But the whole idea strikes me as kind of shallow.  I mean, if we really aspire to living at the beach, then we need to get our a$$ to the beach.  Don’t just buy stuff that makes other people think you went to the beach.  Besides, the real beach people can tell.

Sand bar in the Calibogue Sound
Sand bar in the Calibogue Sound
Sand bar in the Calibogue Sound
Sand bar in the Calibogue Sound

Playing Catch-up

Fishing boats in Swan Quarter, North Carolina
Fishing boats in Swan Quarter, North Carolina

My typical practice when I get back from a trip and am going through photos to process for my blog is to toss some of the picks into a Quick Collection in Lightroom.  I’ll process those and when I’m done I’ll have a little group to go with whatever words I’ve had bouncing around in my head.

Fishing boats in Swan Quarter, North Carolina
Fishing boats in Swan Quarter, North Carolina

These photos have been sitting in my Quick Collection folder since we returned from our visit to Belhaven in late March.  I think 6 out of the 8 were done, I just hadn’t finished them.

Fishing boats in Swan Quarter, North Carolina
Fishing boats in Swan Quarter, North Carolina

I thought I had better clear them out before I start posting more Hilton Head photos.  So here they are, better late than never, I guess!

Along the Pamlico River waterfront in Washington, North Carolina
Along the Pamlico River waterfront in Washington, North Carolina
I guess her tripod didn't come with a manual.  Points for the Holga, though.
I guess her tripod didn’t come with a manual. Points for the Holga, though.
Along Main Street in Washington, North Carolina
Along Main Street in Washington, North Carolina
Along the Pamlico River waterfront in Washington, North Carolina
Along the Pamlico River waterfront in Washington, North Carolina
Along the Pamlico River waterfront in Washington, North Carolina
Along the Pamlico River waterfront in Washington, North Carolina

A Point of Comparison

Graveyard at St Peter's Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter’s Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina

My friend Earl Moore and I spent some time wandering around Washington, NC a few weekends ago.   One of the places we visited was the graveyard at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church.  We were only there for about 15 minutes, but we both got a variety of shots.

Graveyard at St Peter's Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter’s Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina

It’s always interesting to see the results when different photographers visit the same place, especially at the same time.  I won’t clutter this post up with a bunch of words, but I do have a few of my own photos from this visit.  There are definitely some similarities to what we saw and shot, but just as many differences.

What fun!

Graveyard at St Peter's Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter’s Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter's Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter’s Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter's Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter’s Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter's Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter’s Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter's Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter’s Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina

Too Far, Or Not Far Enough?

Fishing boats in Swan Quarter, North Carolina
Fishing boats in Swan Quarter, North Carolina

Kathy & I value quiet as much as just about anything there is to value.  By quiet I don’t just mean sound, although that certainly accounts for a lot of it.  I mostly refer to the kind of quiet that means the absence of noise, both physical and mental.  By that I mean the constant background chatter, the incessant televisions that keep us “entertained” while we try to shop or have a meal, or the impatient and distracted “me first” drivers.  It can mean also mean something as simple as having to call the bank or the cable company for the eighth time about some problem that can never quite seem to be resolved.

Fishing boats in Swan Quarter, North Carolina
Fishing boats in Swan Quarter, North Carolina

We go to great lengths to make our home as peaceful as possible.  We don’t have a television.  It’s amazing how much difference that makes.  When we did have one we found that even when it was not on, it begged us to turn it on, to find something – anything – to watch.  That’s noise.  We love to listen to music, but when we do it is often smooth jazz or classical, with no words and no blaring horns or guitars.  There’s a time and place for the big band jazz and the vocals, but we save that for working in the garage or cleaning the house.  Our favorite play list on Spotify is called “Shhhhh!” (I made it up myself)

Fishing boats in Swan Quarter, North Carolina
Fishing boats in Swan Quarter, North Carolina

On our recent weekend with our friends Earl & Bonnie Moore, we found ourselves spending some quiet time at Swan Quarter Wildlife Refuge.  At the end of a mile or so long dirt road is a good-sized parking lot.  Why the parking lot is so large I have no idea, because in all the times we’ve been there I think we might have encountered just one car.  The parking lot was established for the Bell Island Pier, a beautiful fishing pier that extends perhaps 200 yards or more into Rose Bay Creek, which is an inlet of Rose Bay, the Pamlico River and eventually the Pamlico Sound.

Bell Island Pier at Swan Quarter National Wildlife Refuge near Swan Quarter, North Carolina
Bell Island Pier at Swan Quarter National Wildlife Refuge near Swan Quarter, North Carolina

Despite the sound of the wind and surf, this is truly a quiet place.  We enjoy spending time there, and enjoyed sharing it with Earl & Bonnie.  It’s a place that reminds us that there can be quiet anywhere, we just might need to work a little harder to find it.  There are a lot of spots like that everywhere.  A few of them I like to keep to myself, although they aren’t exactly a secret.  With others the key is to know when to go there and when to stay away.

Bell Island Pier at Swan Quarter National Wildlife Refuge near Swan Quarter, North Carolina
Bell Island Pier at Swan Quarter National Wildlife Refuge near Swan Quarter, North Carolina

Kathy & I have often discussed the possibility of relocating to eastern North Carolina.  There’s a lot to like out there.  It’s close(r) to the Outer Banks, we have made friends in Belhaven and Washington, and we’ve found that it’s just a great destination for a quiet weekend, whether I photograph or not.  There’s a noticeably slower and more relaxed pace out there.  It’s a pace we enjoy because it comes very close to the way we like to live our lives.

Swan Quarter National Wildlife Refuge near Swan Quarter, North Carolina
Swan Quarter National Wildlife Refuge near Swan Quarter, North Carolina

One of our objections to moving so far east is that it is so far from the other places we like to go.  It’s a good 5-hour drive from Charlotte, and another couple of hours or so to the mountains.  But at some point we realized that, being so far from everything might just be the point.  Maybe escaping the hustle & bustle, the traffic and congestion, might be worth the price of having to drive a little farther to get to some of the other places we love.  It’s hard to say for sure, but we may be on to something.  It’s possible that being farther from some things might bring you closer to others.

Graveyard at St Peter's Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter’s Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina

For the foreseeable future, home is where the jobs are, since it’s those jobs that allow us to have the house and travel to all of the places we like to travel to.  Down the road it might be another story, although I suspect the finally getting to the point where we can kiss the corporate world goodbye might lessen the need for escape.  That’s a hard scenario to predict.  But in the mean time, you can be sure that we will continue to seek the quiet places, whether they are close by or farther away.

Graveyard at St Peter's Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Graveyard at St Peter’s Episcopal Church in Washington, North Carolina
Along the Pamlico River waterfront in Washington, North Carolina
Along the Pamlico River waterfront in Washington, North Carolina
Along the Pamlico River waterfront in Washington, North Carolina
Along the Pamlico River waterfront in Washington, North Carolina
Along the Pamlico River waterfront in Washington, North Carolina
Along the Pamlico River waterfront in Washington, North Carolina