Trying Something

Vortex generator at the Miriam P. Brenner Children’s Museum in Greensboro, North Carolina

I just purchased a new tablet and am hoping to use it for some of our upcoming travel in lieu of a laptop. Of course that means figuring out how to get photos from my camera to the tablet, then getting them from my tablet to my blog. I’ve used Fuji’s mobile app before but it sucks, so my best choice is to use a card reader, which I had never tried on a tablet.

Earlier this week we visited Greensboro, NC with our son and grandson, visiting the Miriam P. Brenner Children’s Museum. I took a few photos there and along the way. 😉

Train arriving at the Greensboro Amtrak station in Greensboro, North Carolina

Since I don’t want to confuse my workflow too much, I want to be able to selectively choose photos from my memory card and only import the ones I want into Lightroom Mobile. That process worked great. One weird thing is that when I plugged the card and card reader in, my tablet set up a folder scheme as though it was going to back up files to my tablet. I’d rather not have it do that but haven’t figured out how to turn it off!

For fun I imported a few files on to my tablet, processed them on my tablet and let them upload to the cloud. I cheated a bit by outputting them from my computer, and my next step will be to refine the tablet outputting in order to do it from there. I’ve done that before and it’s not a big deal.

So far so good. 🙂

Sculpture outside the Miriam P. Brenner Children’s Museum in Greensboro, North Carolina

4 thoughts on “Trying Something”

    1. There was a time when I relished the challenge of a change to my workflow. Now I’m just as likely to say “alright, I’ll just take the !@#$% laptop. I’m pretty determined this time though, so I may persevere a bit more. And it really is fun, when I allow myself to think that way…. 🙂

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