Back in February 2016 I wrote this post titled Storage and Clutter, about my quest to delete files and free up space on my hard drives. At that point I was through 2008 and had deleted 23,000 files worth 236GB. I’ve working slowly but steadily on that project and today I finished 2012. At this point I have jettisoned 56,000 files and reclaimed about 478 GB. Not a bad effort so far, and the farther I go the more confident I become in my previous editing. I’ll need to go a little further with my more recent years because I’m not sure I’ve been doing as good a job lately. We’ll see!

These photos are from our 2012 cruise to Alaska from San Francisco, hence the diverse geography. They are previously unprocessed files that I discovered while I was reviewing photos, but are not ones that had been scheduled for deletion.

I’d love to discover unprocessed files as good as these. Nice work, Tom!
Thank you, Ken! I had already processed “similar” photos but these were fun to find.
Yep, some fine unprocessed gems, Tom. Since I only shoot in jpeg anymore the disk space you mention almost floored me. I’ve forgotten how large our raw files can be.
Merry Christmas, my friend!
The file size went up significantly when I got my 5D Mark III, and has gone back down now that I’m using the Fuji. It’s still a lot of space though. I’m glad I bought a few more years worth of capacity.
That’s a whole lot of work!
Drive space is cheap. I’ll go that route – call me lazy!
Those are some nice finds; one of the advantages to reviewing files.
Actually, Paul, drive space is inexpensive, but Tom is cheap! Considering that I would have to upgrade 4 drives, that is the cost of a couple cases of wine. Priorities!