My buddy Paul has been documenting a strange phenomenon regarding shoes – sometimes pairs but occasionally single shoes – left unexplainably in strange locations. I have had my own sightings from time to time, and here is the latest. I have no idea what has happened to the owners of these shoes, but Paul’s theory – and I’m a believer – is that these poor folks have been abducted by aliens. No idea why the aliens don’t want the shoes – that remains a mystery!
Perhaps the aliens have no feet. 🙂
That’s a thought. Maybe they’re more laid back than we are and go barefoot.
If you find my shoes sitting outsides. leave them. I need a vacation.
I’d never move them so they would be there when you got back.
It feels nice to be validated! 🙂 Beware of the aliens!
The truth is out there!
Well, how about smell! Maybe there’s a selection process involved. Some shoe’s go with the abduction. 🙂
I can’t believe I missed this comment, Monte…shame on me! 🙁
You have a point about smell, I never thought of that! That works as well as any explanation I’ve come up with. 😉