A Little Carried Away?

Random photos in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Random photos in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina

Perhaps as self-compensation for not shooting as much as I’d like to do, it seems that I have been loading up on Fuji lenses.  Every time I think I’m done I decide to buy “just one more.”  And I’m perhaps just a little embarrassed to say that I am now up to 8.  Yikes!  I just recently I sprung for the 35mm 1.4 lens.  Going a little bit counter to conventional thought (who, me?), I considered the newer and slightly less costly f2 version in favor of the somewhat dated but still quite worthy older model.  I put it through some initial paces on a quick walk around town this past weekend.  So far I must say I’m impressed and happy with the purchase.

Charlotte Transit Center in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte Transit Center in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Ongoing construction in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Ongoing construction in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Random photos in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Random photos in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Random photos in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Random photos in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Random photos in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Random photos in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Random photos in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Random photos in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina
Sunset from our back yard
Sunset from our back yard

Alien Abduction!

Late afternoon colors and reflections at the Little Glade Mill Pond Overlook, Blue Ridge Parkway MP 230
Another pair of mystery shoes

My buddy Paul has been documenting a strange phenomenon regarding shoes – sometimes pairs but occasionally single shoes – left unexplainably in strange locations.  I have had my own sightings from time to time, and here is the latest.  I have no idea what has happened to the owners of these shoes, but Paul’s theory – and I’m a believer – is that these poor folks have been abducted by aliens.  No idea why the aliens don’t want the shoes – that remains a mystery!