Looking Out My Back Door

Photos of fall color in the trees behind our house.
Photos of fall color in the trees behind our house.

Technically, we don’t have a back door.  But we do have a screened porch at the back of our house that overlooks the woods next to our neighborhood.  Kathy & I spend a lot of time on that screened porch, it is our outdoor space where we relax and unwind after a long day or a long week.

This past weekend was just about the ideal weather here in Charlotte – temperatures in the upper 70’s on Saturday, low 70’s on Sunday.  We spent a lot of time on the porch.

These trees are directly behind our porch, and this is the second fall since we moved in.  They sometimes call my name, and the call got especially loud on Saturday so I got out my camera.  Nothing special artistic-wise, but it was good to answer the call and take a few shots.  In a couple more weeks the leaves will all be gone.

Doo, doo, doo, lookin’ out my back door….

Photos of fall color in the trees behind our house.
Photos of fall color in the trees behind our house.

10 thoughts on “Looking Out My Back Door”

  1. Very nice colors out yonder, Tom. We have a few maples along the streets getting kind of showy, too. Nothing in my backyard, though.

  2. “Our” maple tree is actually in our neighbors yard but we take full advantage of it. When the north wind comes up the leaves end up in our front yard anyway.

  3. What a gift you have. And, I think it’s imperative to listen to nature urges us to grab out camera and get closer. We already have a few barren maples and some are vibrant. Makes my walks so much more enjoyable.

    1. Nah, I just have a nice camera, Monte!

      Actually, you’re right. I need to do a better job of listening to those voices when they call me. According to the metadate, 11 minutes elapsed between the first shot and the last one. I was probably out there for 15 minutes total, and it was good exercise.

      Good scenery always makes a walk more enjoyable. Sometimes it’s even fall leaves! 😉

  4. Colors are nearly done around here. That point just past peak of reddish browns and brown/tans – just needs another good windy day to probably blow it all down.

    I like the framing in the top image by the leaves.

  5. Thanks, Mark. It seems fall has not lasted long around here, either. We’ve been deluged with rain the last week or so with no end in sight. You’ve got all that lake ice to look forward to, here we won’t see a lot more than (hopefully) brown trees until March!

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