Buoy, That Was Fun!

Neil's Harbour, Nova Scotia
Mmmmm, Red!

Sorry, I couldn’t resist the pun.  Besides, it gives me a great excuse to show photos of…buoys!

More Buoys, No Gulls
More Buoys, No Gulls (Sick, Huh?) Neil’s Harbour, Nova Scotia


I’m processing photos as I find ones that interest me.  Sometimes I have words to go with them, and sometimes I don’t.

We saw very few wooden lobster traps still in use.  Most of the wooden ones we saw were along the roadside for sale to tourists.  Neil's Harbour, Nova Scotia
We saw very few wooden lobster traps still in use. Most of the wooden ones we saw were along the roadside for sale to tourists. Neil’s Harbour, Nova Scotia

These are really cliche, of course.  But when you see them you still have to shoot them.  I think there is rule about that.

Kathy's Photo - The more common wire lobster traps.  These were everywhere.
Kathy’s Photo – The more common wire lobster traps. These were everywhere.

I’ve found some photos that are going to require my time and attention to get the look I have in mind, so in the mean time, here are a few Velvia-like photos of fishing stuff.  I hope you enjoy them!

Yellow.  With a misfit!
Yellow. With a misfit!
Oh, and there were ropes!
Oh, and there were ropes!
More red!
More red!



6 thoughts on “Buoy, That Was Fun!”

  1. How come when I read this post, I kept hearing rim shots?! Ba-da-dum! “These are jokes folks. Laugh or not. It’s all that I got!” 😀

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