Life maintains a fragile balance. Most of us take this balance for granted, but the result when this changes even a little can be devastating. A life full of health and optimism can quickly turn to pain and misery with little or no warning.
Kathy’s Mom passed away this past week. The funeral was Saturday. Just a few short years ago she was healthy and energetic, walking and exercising regularly, optimistic for a long and happy future. A series of falls and illnesses were eventually diagnosed as Parkinson’s. A disease as diverse as those who are afflicted, there is little to be done, save for some medicines whose side effects tend to be as horrible as the illness they are designed to alleviate. Eventually the inevitable prevailed, and in too short a time she was gone.
A loving wife and caring mother, she left a family who misses her greatly. Her wit, wisdom and sense of humor inspires us all, and I am grateful that she was even able to find a few redeeming qualities in me.
Tom, my condolences to your family on the passing of Kathy’s Mom. The loss of a parent is often one of those life marking events when we realize just how short and valuable our time here is. Sounds like she made wonderful use of the time she had.
My mother suffered with Parkinson’s for an extended period, falling and breaking both hips at different times and in the end being confined to a wheel chair. Near the end of her life in a rare moment she looked me in the eyes and confided, “There’s things worst things then dying.” Not a day goes by I don’t miss her and my father. Thinking of you and yours.
Thanks, Earl. Sounds like you’ve also got first-hand experience. Not necessarily of the kind we would prefer, that’s for sure.
I too, offer my condolences to you, Cathy and her family. It does not matter how we lose our loved ones it still hurts. And losing our health brings on that emotional pain within us. Prayers for you guys!
Thanks, Monte.
So sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful person to have known.
Thank you, Ken. Fortunately I got to marry her best kid!