Tag Archives: Edison

Baby Pictures!

Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16
Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16

Many of my readers are also friends on Facebook, so they have already heard this news.  For the others, Kathy & I became grandparents for the first time on January 19!  Edison Scott Dills was born to our son Scott and his wife Kristin.

I haven’t yet had a lot of opportunity to take pictures with my camera – I have A LOT of pictures that I’ve taken with my phone!  This past weekend I had my camera and got a few shots I like.  Many of them are blurry and out of focus – tells me I need a faster and closer focusing lens!  Hey, any excuse is a good one!

For anyone interested, I have been keeping and updating a gallery on Google Photos of pictures taken with my phone.  Feel free to take a look!

Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16
Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16
Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16
Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16
Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16
Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16
Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16
Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16
Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16
Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16
Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16
Edison Scott Dills 1/19/16