Like many people, I am astonished and embarrassed by the behavior of my fellow humans, especially over the last 24 hours but indeed over the last what? 24-48-60+ months? The extent to which people can be deceived, incited and provoked to extremes is frightening.
It’s very popular right now to talk of impeachment, imprisonment and removal from office those who have corrupted and vandalized our democracy. Whether it happens or not remains to be seen, and I don’t necessarily disagree with that approach. In fact, in many ways I welcome it as a lesson to those responsible and as a deterrence against continuing such behavior. What I ultimately hope, however, is that once all the angry words settle down and people go back to their lives, cooler heads can take a look at the problems in our country today and try to come up with meaningful solutions.
The question I keep coming back to is this: How desperate are the people who are attracted to false hope, lies, deceit and corruption that they so fervently believe in it to the extent that they can be moved to such atrocious actions? This is more than racial, religious, ideological or political difference. This more than an undercurrent. It is a raging river.
Whether by chance or by choice we as a society tend to be attracted to turmoil like moths to a flame. Thankfully, I spend most of my time doing things that I find calming and rewarding, and don’t get myself too riled up over all of the negativity that has swirled around us for far too long. I don’t ignore the media, in my opinion that would be irresponsible. But I have managed to insulate myself and – for the most part my opinions and attitudes – from most of the mayhem so that I’m not living with the anger and angst that many people feel and that I might otherwise be dealing with. Not everyone is able to do that and I feel fortunate that I can.
I don’t have the answers. I can only hope that the changes coming over the next few weeks, the next few months and the next few years, can head us in a more positive direction. One where we can disagree peacefully, work together for the common good to find equitable solutions to problems and to live in peace within our own country and in our world. Let’s hope for that, and where we personally are able, live that.
From your post:
“The question I keep coming back to is this: How desperate are the people who are attracted to false hope, lies, deceit and corruption that they so fervently believe in it to the extent that they can be moved to such atrocious actions? ”
I have to say that I keep coming back to that question, too. Even more, after the events of the last few days, I really wonder about those folks who still cling to the lies, misdirection and disinformation put forth by DJT.
I feel like most of the rest of us saw him for what he is a long time ago. But even if you didn’t, how is it that after this last bout of crap-ola, you still think that he’s someone who deserves reverence?
I echo your hopes for a more logical, civil dialogue over the coming months and years. One thing we know… the sun and the moon will rise and set each day.
And we have cameras.
“…the sun and the moon will rise and set each day. And we have cameras.” Love it, Jeff. Thanks for the thoughtful comment!
I fear that the turmoil won’t end with a new administration. DJT is just the public face of a larger problem. He has been playing the role of the carnival barker in a 50-ring circus, the snake oil salesman at the world’s fair, and lots of people have been buying his act. But the RNC loves him and is in complete denial of the damage he has caused, which leads me to fear that he has indeed been representing their agenda.
Thanks to the state of Georgia, we have bought ourselves a bit of a reprieve, but the time will go quickly. We can only hope that some level of sanity will prevail. And in the meantime the sun and the moon will rise and set each day. And we will have cameras!