I don’t get bird photos like my buddy Don Brown, but once in a while I see birds. This flock passed over us one evening at the beach – I’m pretty sure they are some kind of geese, but looked too dark to be Tundra Swans or Snow Geese. Probably Canada Geese. They were going the right way, though – South! They were so high up that I couldn’t hear them squawking over the sound of the surf, but I’m sure they must have been noisy.

There were so many of them in so long a line that I couldn’t get them all in one shot. Who ever thought of shooting birds with a wide-angle lens?!?!

That is one amazing line of migrants! I don’t think I have ever had the pleasure to witness that many.
I’ve seen numbers like this at wildlife refuges, but to see that many in that long a line in flight was quite unusual!