One of my favorite places for wandering around with my camera is downtown Charlotte. Because it is close to where Kathy has a parking space, I especially spend a lot of time in the area around the NASCAR Hall of Fame. It’s just an interesting building, especially the metal work over the main entrance and all around the outside. I think it is supposed to represent a high-banked racetrack, but to me it just looks cool, especially at different times of the day as the lighting changes.

I’ve never been inside the building, although if someone came to visit who was interested, I would certainly consider going. While I have given up following auto racing along with all other professional sports, I still have an appreciation for the history of the sport as it existing before money spoiled it (IMO).

So Thursday evening before the baseball game, we wandered around this area killing time. I have photographed this building numerous times, but I never get tired of it, since there is always another shadow or angle that I haven’t seen before. Just the color of the sky can change how the metal reflects the light.

One of the advantages of visiting a place repeatedly is that there is always something new to see, another angle to explore or a different way the light and shadow plays with the subject. In this case it is the shapes and lines of the building.

Did I end up getting anything that I haven’t gotten before? I did. I found another interesting section that for some reason I had never seen. Many of these photos are of the same views as before, but one or two of them are a fresh look at something I have been looking at and photographing for several years, and which I will hopefully be photographing often in the years ahead.

Tom, you caught some wonderful shadows and light reflections in these photos. It is a beautiful building.
Thanks, Earl. I hope we can get some shooting in soon!
It is a beautiful building and if I’m ever in the Charlotte area I definitely would like to see it. My nephew moved down there just two weeks ago so it’s a possibility. He’s a big NASCAR fan.
Ken, if you’re ever in Charlotte be sure to let me know!
You may be sorry you said that!