New Website!

My new website went live last week! It was long overdue, as my old site had gotten a bit dated and the photos were almost two years old. I really like the new design, and I am able to update it myself with no programming knowledge. Which is good, because I don’t have any and don’t have the time or inclination to learn.

The new site is easy to use, I can tweak it any time, add new photos, captions and change the colors whenever I want. Check it out:

Pounding Mill Overlook

I “discovered” this location on an outing with some of my CNPA buddies near Brevard last fall. This wasn’t where we planned to go for sunrise, but it turned out OK. This is one of a number of shots from that morning. The fog was laying in the valley with the taller trees sticking up through, and as the sun came up it made for some interesting shadows.

Two Years?

This must be the time of year I think about starting something new, like this blog (what time of year do I actually get to finish something?). It’s been almost two years to the day since I created this thing, and here I am. What happened to last year? Who knows?

Anyway, I finally finished processing my images from last fall. It was a bunch – thank goodness for Lightroom! My next big hurdle is updating my website since my “New Work” section has images from our Kentucky trip in September 2006. Yikies! More to come on that, but my goal is to have it done by the end of March, so we’ll see how industrious I am.

Why a Blog?

I don’t know. Why not?

I have been inspired lately by some of the content others have been posting on blogs and thought, why not me? I have all these crazy thoughts bouncing around in my corporate-culture- suppressed quasi-artistic brain and have been looking for a way to get them organized. We’ll see how this goes. If it sucks, well, there’s always the Delete button!

Watch this space.

Photographs and stuff!