Kathy & I spent the day yesterday exploring the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island. I was channeling my buddy Don Brown just a little bit, as he is one of the best bird shooters I know. I was handicapped a bit by a 200mm lens on my Fuji, not really long enough for serious wildlife work. But I came away with a few shots that are reasonably well exposed, acceptably sharp and representative of what we saw.

The most amazing thing we saw I wasn’t even able to record! we walked back a trail into a wood, and soon found a group of egrets lounging in an area well off the beaten path. There were easily a hundred or more there, but the brush was so thick that there was no way to make a photograph. But the sound! I said it sounded like the morning after a frat party – lots of guttural sounds and weird noises. It was quite an experience, but you’ll just need to take my word for it!

I’ve long been an admirer of wildlife (especially bird) photography. These are really nice, tom. Nice work!
Thank you, Ken. I was glad to have cooperative subjects!
It’s hard to keep up with you, Tom! Sounds like a nice outing. So, Florida? Can’t take the ‘cold weather’ in NC?
Looks like you did pretty good with your ‘constraints’.
Why put up with cold when you don’t have to, Paul? I’m currently sitting on the deck of a cruise ship headed to the Caribbean! Will post some new stuff when I get home.