Postcards At The Beach: 11/21/18 November 21, 2018 Tom Dills 4 Comments Sunset on the beach, Palmetto Dunes Oceanside Resort, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina Almost didn’t go out this evening, but glad I did. Tybee Island, GA is in the background, including the lighthouse.
Thank you, Jeff. I hope you and Mary Pat found some Pici pasta and Ribollita (or equivalent) for Thanksgiving.
Sooo nice… great moment and really perfect exposure time. Peaceful.
Thank you, Jeff. I hope you and Mary Pat found some Pici pasta and Ribollita (or equivalent) for Thanksgiving.
Looks like you’re on your beach tour! Surf’s up!!!
It’s really churning out there today…there’s no beach to tour and it’s windy as heck!