This month’s photo was my second choice for last month’s wallpaper, and I liked it so much I decided to run it for May. Plus there is an added bonus of getting to tease my friend Kevin W. who made the mistake of telling me that he was homesick for the NC mountains and that my photos made him more so. Come on back, Kevin!
Amazingly, this photo was taken just 4 1/2 minutes after the photo I used for last month’s calendar. Looking west from Waterrock Knob, out over Cherokee and the Oconoluftee River toward the crest of the Smokies, this is one of my favorite views. Not as famous (or as crowded) as some other sunset spots, I like it because I can practically shoot out of my car, and there are facilities nearby!
In the months and years after I took this photo, the view started to get overgrown with trees and brush. Until the Park Service recently cleared some of the overgrowth, it had gotten to the point that there were very few vantage points for a good sunset view. I’ve been back a few times recently, but the conditions haven’t been cooperative. But it’s a place I return to often, and one day I’ll get my next Waterrock Knob sunset. Maybe soon!
I know I’ve been a little quiet lately, but I’ve got some non-photographic backlog to get through and I’ll be back. That’s a promise!
I am generally not a big fan of sunsets but this one is spectacular. Beautiful tones and the mountains are gorgeous.
Thank you, Cedric!
Powerful colors make this one stand out for me. I can also relate to the color difference a few seconds can make between photos. I still need to make a trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Thanks, Monte! Colorado is on my short list of destinations, and you need to make a trip back here to spend some time on the Parkway. You, me, Paul and Earl would have a good old time. And as soon as you make it stop snowing in Colorado I’ll start planning my trip out there!
Your photo choice was successful in continuing to remind me what I am missing out on in NC. We hope to be back home in NC sooner than later. Thank you for the excellent photo and giving me something to look forward to each day in May. Take care and talk to you soon.
Thanks, Kevin. No views like this of Tampa Bay, are there?
Looking forward to seeing you and Dorene back in the Old North State and planning some escapes to the mountains!