I’m finally making good on my commitment to find some decent sunrise and sunrise spots close to my home. I started just this morning with a quick trip to one I had recently identified. The Riverbend Boat Launch is located literally 4 miles from my house. I’ve driven by numerous times thinking that I should stop and check it out, but was always in a hurry to get somewhere else so I didn’t bother.

Based on how it is oriented, the boat launch is only good for sunrises in the winter, roughly from early November until early February, when the sun moves around toward the northeast and behind the peninsula on which the area is situated. But in the winter, other than a few hardy souls launching their boats in sub-30 degree temperatures (this morning there were three trucks and empty trailers in the lot), it isn’t nearly as busy at sunrise as it would be in June or July. For me, it’s a start!

Riverbend is not as quiet as tranquil as Monte’s morning place or as dramatic as Jeff’s, but it will give me a suitable morning destination until I find another one!

Now that works for you! It has all sorts of possibilities that you will discover each time you go. Looking forward to seeing what gifts you find.
I should have gone this morning! We had a beautiful pink sunrise but we have early errands so I enjoyed it from the patio for a few minutes. A chilly 30 degrees this morning at the lake would have been better than coffee for a wake-me-up! 🙂