My grandfather, a wise man who taught me a lot, always said that we should never complain about birthdays or haircuts. He didn’t have much hair, so birthdays were a big deal. 😉 My brother and I have carried on the birthday tradition, although we both have much more hair than he did. 🙂
To steal a statistic from Monte – today is my 22,647th day on this planet.

Celebrating doesn’t have to be a big deal, and this year is no exception. I’m looking forward to a quiet afternoon with family – as quiet as an afternoon with a 4 1/2 year old can be! – and a nice easy dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, takeout from our favorite Italian restaurant. With wine!

Kathy and I have been watching the developments in other parts of our country and can’t help but wonder what the outlook for travel will be over the next few months and longer. We just had a nice road trip to visit a number of our closest friends and family members and are privileged to have our closest family right here in Charlotte with us.

We look forward to our next adventure, but in the meantime we are thankful to have family, friends and memories to carry us through.

I wish I could say that the end is in sight but I feel like the fishing boat in the movie Perfect Storm; the wave is so huge I can’t even see the crest.
Looking for an “end” to this nonsense feels like a futile endeavor. I see this as more of a bumpy road on life’s journey. As long as I can get out and about, albeit with a few different “rules,” it’s better to go and adapt than to sit home wishing it was different.
Well Happy Birthday, my friend!!!
There is within me a wandering soul, who desires to travel and for sure not much of a homebody. I also want to travel, simply, economically and eco friendly as possible. I’m hoping the fall season allows me to venture out there.
Not sure about the “end” in sight either.
Thank you, Monte! We had a good day and I slept well after a few hours with Edison around. He puts out more power than any nuclear reactor!
I think we all have a certain amount of that “wandering soul” within us. And it’s important to exercise that part of us as much and as often as we are able.