Kathy & I took a quick jaunt over Easter to visit some of our friends in Belhaven and Washington, NC. It was a quick trip and we didn’t see everyone, but we did manage to buy some wine from our favorite Wine Guy, and I was able to take a few photos. We’re planning a return in July and will be sure to look up the rest (SN).

A couple of weeks ago I was able to take advantage of a “clearance” sale on the Fuji E-X2 and picked one up as a backup to my X-T1. I don’t do a lot of events, but when I do I know it is prudent to have a spare camera, just in case. Adorama had the E-X2 body and the wonderful 18-55 zoom lens on sale for what amounted to $200 for the body. As much as I would love to have an X-Pro 2, and as aware as I am that the X-T2 is right around the corner, I have placed a self-imposed moratorium on the upgrade cycle and am planning to stand firm for a while. But I still don’t have all the lenses, so…. 😉

So here is a little sampler of photos taken with my “backup” kit. No slouch for sure, especially with a nice lens. Looking forward to using it some more.

Always good to see you and your pictures are always awesome….whichever camera you use!!
Thank you, Karen! You can probably identify the location of all of those photos! 😉
Looks like the new camera and lens improved your photography. 🙂 That system is about what I have: the X-E1 and X-T10 with 3 lenses. Same processor and sensor.
I am always impressed with your ability to see the colors and capture them. I enjoyed this series of images!
Ha! A new camera is good to the extent that it gives another reason to get out and shoot. That lens is the one that made me decide to go with the Fuji, and although I like the 18-135, the 18-55 is really nice. I’ve managed to build up a bit of a lens collection. I really like the primes and still want the 60 macro, but feel like I might have too many zooms. I’ve still spent less than I got for all the Canon stuff, although there isn’t much left. 😉
These are all familiar locations, so finding interesting things is easy, but finding new and interesting things can be a challenge. So I settle for a little of both.
Glad to see that you’re “restraining” yourself, Tom. 🙂 Almost to the bottom of the coffers, eh? Whatever shall you do? I say, go for the macro! Can’t hurt!
I’ve not bought a new camera this year, either … that’s not to say that I’ve not bought one in the last year, just not in 2016. LOL
Good to see that you’re still on the road! Do us proud! I’ll have few trips this year … maybe one international, to our next door neighbor, Mexico.
I’m not sure about “restraining” but enough is enough! I figured it was a good excuse to buy that lens, and getting a camera that good for $200? It was a no-brainer, especially considering that Fuji just issued a free firmware update that brings it almost up to speed with the newest model. Add to that the fact that it has the same sensor and uses the same batteries as my X-T1 and I can hardly go wrong! I’ve got a couple of sales in the works that may result in some additional funds, so as long as the CFO permits I may be able to get one more lens. But that’s it, right (fingers crossed!)???
Our travel budget is going to keep us a little closer to home this year, although we won’t lack for adventure! We are planning to visit Kentucky in the fall to explore Bourbon Country. And we loved Nevis so much we’ve decided to go back there. So we’ll be on the road, maybe just not as far away from home as you! 😉
Always fun to play with new stuff. Although I’ve never felt any urgent need to have a back-up camera. I’ll probably live to regret that someday, but I’ve had a lot of years without incident. I’m probably due, huh?
I really like the image with the tree and the white bricks. And the one just below it with the buoys on the post. Reminds me a little of Maine………
I’ve had pretty good luck with cameras through the years, and overall I think they are very reliable. But you may recall just a few years ago that the mirror came off of my 5D in Nova Scotia. That was my “backup” at the time but I don’t want to be in a situation where I’m toast if something breaks. A vacation is one thing but not a paying job! And that kind of deal on a combo that included a lens I wanted made for an easy decision.
Nice photos Tom. Seems to me like a worthwhile, value-for-money purchase. Oh and that first picture, well done, I like that one a lot.
The interesting thing about that photo you like is that the seat I was sitting in was the only one that would have had that view. Strange, huh?
Truthfully, the X-E2 is a perfectly competent camera on it’s own. But it will also make for a great second body.
First tree one for me also! Very nice!
Thank you, Mark! Dogwoods are very popular around here this time of the year, and happen to be the State Tree of NC.
Great stuff my friend. As always, your work inspires me to better see the road less traveled…
Looking forward to seeing you and K. again.
It has been too long.
Hey, Steven! Sorry I missed your comment until now, although it is only a day late! Planning to be out your way over July 4, we’ll be sure to look you up. And I may let you buy me one of those red hots…. 😉