Kathy & I had a last-minute chance to take off to the mountains this past weekend and meet up with some friends. There are definitely signs of color in some spots, primarily the higher elevations. We didn’t spend a lot of time photographing, preferring instead to explore the towns of Waynesville and Sylva. I did manage to crawl out of bed early on Saturday for an attempt at sunrise, but we left with no evidence that the sun had risen other than the fact that the sky got lighter. We did end up seeing some sun later in the day and on Sunday, but for the most part things were on the cloudy and foggy side.
Like many weekends in the mountains, this was one of widely variable conditions. We found sun in some spots, were totally socked in with fog in some spots. We discovered fall color in some places, while in others summer was still holding on tight. We stopped by a waterfall along one of the side roads and in 15-20 minutes didn’t see a car, while earlier on the Parkway traffic was starting to get busy.

I’m still struggling to find my photographic “groove” and I didn’t help myself much this weekend. I guess I’ve just allowed myself to get out of practice. It has been a crazy year so I have a good excuse, but it’s frustrating to feel so out of it, creatively. I’m back on the upswing though, and am confident that I’ll get things back on track over the next month or so.
All in all we had a great weekend. Good food and good times with friends are tough to top!

I love the Blue Ridge Parkway, and it is one of my favorite places to visit any time of the year, especially in the fall. But more and more I find myself struggling with the sheer number of people that head for the Parkway when the leaves start to peak. In particular I’m bothered by what appears – to me at least – to be an increase in the irresponsible behavior and lack of respect that some drivers have. This past weekend I witnessed a number of “bad apple” drivers, in particular motorcycle riders, doing stupid and reckless stunts. Passing on curves and in no-passing zones, tailgating and intimidating drivers who weren’t going fast enough to suit them. It really takes away from the peaceful experience that I have always gone to the Parkway for. I understand that not everyone goes to the Parkway for peace and quiet, but when the antics of a few people manage to wreck the experience it is hard to tolerate.
I had already made plans to experience fall in other places this year, but after this past weekend and some similar experiences last year, I think I’m going to wait until I have time to plan my visits in mid-week to hopefully avoid most of the crazies. I realize that most drivers and riders are careful and responsible, and that for the most part their biggest offense is making a lot of noise, but I think I’ll wait and head back in November and December, when only the most hardy adventurers are willing to brave the elements.

Fall happens everywhere, and I think my goal for this year will be to find Fall in some of the less-discovered places! We’ve got some interesting adventures coming up, so stop by again soon to see what we’ve been up to.

I didn’t know that you lost your photographic “groove”. Can’t tell by these photos.
Ken, you’re too kind, bit thanks! I was mostly referring to “getting out” and actually shooting. It’s just been a little tough to get motivated. A willing shooting buddy makes it easy to get up and go, though!
Tom, I love that bit of color in the sky on the third photo.
We experienced some of those same Parkway drivers on Sunday. A full size SUV ran a stop sign at a “Y” intersection just in front of us at full speed and another SUV, closely following the first, only saw the stop sign at the last moment, locking his vehicle down, sliding part way into the intersection. Luckily I’d seen both SUV’s approaching at a high rates of speed and had slowed down to avoid them and no one was coming the other way. The first driver never knew he ran the intersection and kept going but the look on the second driver’s face told a story as he took stock of his wife and kids in the car after the panic stop. A lesson hopefully he’ll remember for a little while.
Thanks, Earl. The color was only there for a short time but it was there!
As far as all those goofball drivers is concerned, maybe it had something to do with the full moon! 🙂
I will be looking forward to those fall images from the less-discovered places. Maybe that’s where you will find that “groove.” Oh, and I’m with Ken, I couldn’t tell you’d lost your groove., either.
Shucks, Monte. You too? I’m looking forward to getting out and hope to come back with some treasures.